
  1. Alexandra West

    Nail Polish On A Piggie?

    Hey! I was at my friends house yesterday and she got a guinea pig a few days ago, and she was painting his nails with O.P.I nail polish. I told her it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen. She's had around 4 piggies before, so I wanted to ask the question if this is actually safe or not. For...
  2. S

    What To Do About Guinea Pig Nail Growing Back?

    Hi all! This is my first post here. So I just had my guinea pigs boarded when I went away and they did a courtesy nail trim, and cut Daisy's nail too short- down to the toe :( (which I understand happens as I've done it myself) I took her back to get checked out and the vet told me to just...
  3. A

    Curling Nails And Not Walking

    Hi everybody. Starting off, I'm really sorry if this isn't in the right forums, I literally joined a few seconds ago but I really need some advice. I'm watching my neighbors dog/guinea pig, and the dogs fine but I'm a bit concerned about the guinea pig. They barely clean out its cage and so the...
  4. Guineapigfeet

    Trimming Baby Nails

    What age should you start trimming nails? I don't want them to grow too much as half of them (out of three pigs) are black and long quicks are a pain in the bum! My girls are about 6 months old and still have needley baby claws, apart from one claw on one pig which is a bit thicker and looks...
  5. A&T

    Nail Length.

    So I trimm my girls nails frequently, or when I think they need a little trim. But over the last year or so I've noticed with Amber my older pig (5) her nails are really starting to curl... Now originally I thought "oh I must have left them to long" but it isn't, I've just cut her nails again...
  6. Squidgypigs

    Our Squidgypigs (including New Freead Rescues)

    Our original duo (named by my daughter) Ethel-Seal The Poo Banana Peppa Pea Pirate Soup The 3/2/2016 rescues (freead piggies - went for two young sows came back with four mature sows, all in bad condition, two obviously pregnant, and a boar. (we have space, veg & friendly vet). Blondie...
  7. WinnieandBear

    Did Anyone Else See The Piggy On Bbc News?!?! Poor Things Nails?!

    Oh my god I am shocked by the guinea pig just shown on BBC News being cared for by a disabled gentleman its nails were over an inch long and literally SPIRALLED from clearly never being cut!? The poor thing I can't believe that was just aired without being picked up on! Poor thing I feel awful...