
  1. alli081

    Sick Pig With A Uri - Anyone Have Advice?

    Hi everyone, I only just joined on here but I have a very urgent question. I'm from Queensland, Australia, and I have 4 rescue pigs (2 boys and 2 girls - they don't mix with each other). One of my male pigs Cosmo has got a lung infection. He wasn't eating much on Friday and wasn't out in the...
  2. I

    Nail Clipping

    I plan on getting 2 male Guinea pigs in August, after researching further about Guinea pig health I realized that the nails will need to be cut when neccescary. I am also aware of the quick and the fact that cutting the quick can lead to a result of pain for the Guinea pigs. Please comment how...
  3. NoiNoi

    Some Advice For Handling / Bonding? Also An Odd Noise!

    Hello all! Some of you may know, recently we had a loss in my household as little Ozzy passed away. :( It's been a short while now, and yesterday we went to rehome some rescue piggies from a close-by shelter. We held many of the little sweethearts, but eventually, we decided on a pair to take...
  4. Daniie evans

    Hey Guys, New Pig Mommy Here!

    hello everyone! We have an adult female who was part of a triplet group but two died before we rescued her. She wasn't coping very well at being on her own so we got a baby girl to go with her. Upon getting home we realised pets at home are useless and it is a baby boy. We can't take him back as...
  5. P

    Help Me Name My Guinea Pigs

    i have two new MALE guinea pigs and i'm having a hard time deciding names, feel free to help
  6. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...
  7. SarahWonderland

    Are My Guinea Pigs Chilled Out Or Sad?

    Hello My name Is Sarah. I have two male Guinea Pigs Jeffery(3 months) and Sonic (2 1/2 months). I recently gave our 3rd guinea pig Jasper to our close friend as the bonding wasn't happening and thought it best for everyone that Jasper goes to a new home (Jasper has a male friend) We had only...
  8. M

    A Male And A Female...

    Just over a year ago I got my two Guinea Pigs. I was told they were both female at the store but I was 99% sure one was male. Everyone I know (including one vet who seems to have vanished) thought they were both female (they were very young Piggles in all fairness). Today the one I suspected to...
  9. G

    Dominance Between Two Boars

    i have an older male and we introduced him to a baby male yesterday. They did the whole dominance behavior and what not and i wasn't comfortable putting them in the same cage but last night I had their cages side by side and they were squeaking at each other and both were peeking through the...
  10. G

    Why Does My Piggy Dip His Paws In Water?

    my male Guinea pig he is still somewhat a baby. He recently just started dipping his front paws in his water dish but he'll stay there for a good few minutes and his hind legs will be down like he's resting lol it's so cute i thought maybe he's just hot?
  11. MalaneGuy

    Guinea Pig Eyes (seeking Advice)

    Hello My name is MaLane. I own a full grown male Guinea pig. (I'm not sure what kind of breed he is. His all white but half his face and one ear is black). I noticed something when I first got him, his one of his eyes is kind of odd. Honestly, the only way I can explain it is that it looks like...
  12. E

    Post Ill Guinea Pig - Mild Uri And Neutering Plans

    Hi, I got 2 male guinea pigs about 6 months ago. Sadly it's been a rough jouney with them as 1 passed away last week with a URI that just took its toll on him even after 2 types of antibiotics were tried. The other male that has been left behind is very lonely, however he did have the same...
  13. Lottie999

    Male Guinea Pig Wheezing After Antibiotics

    Hi there everyone, My 5 year old male guinea pig Maple recently started showing URI symptoms (crusty nose/eyes, wheezing, sneezing etc). I took him straight to the vet who prescribed him with a week course of antibiotics and some decongestant, (no probiotics, but luckily researched this and...
  14. Jo K

    Help With Four Males (three Young And One Older)

    Hello, I have posted in here before and got given great advice but I am still struggling with these guinea pigs! Sorry to repeat myself if you remember my previous post (months ago now and can't find it) but I'll give you a quick back story. We got Mr Biggles who is a rescue guinea pig, we...
  15. SazzaG96

    New Owner Advice?

    Hi there! I'm a recent new owner of 2 male guinea pigs and I was hoping for some advice in general about looking after them. They are in a 2 x 3 C&C cage with a loft and I use fleece bedding that is washed every 3 days! They get fresh veggies morning and night and nuggets and hay! Is there...
  16. Chessles

    Can You House Male And Female Guinea Pigs In Close Proximity (in Separate Cages)?

    Hello, I currently have 2 boars but I have seen a pair of sows that I want to get from a rescue. My boars have an enormous c and c cage plus a commercial cage attached so tons of space. My question is... Can I section off part of their c and c ( then extend it a bit) and then put the sows in...
  17. Stayc1989

    Advice On Neutering Please

    Hi I have 4 guinea pigs, 2 males and 2 females and I would like to let them all play together because I don't feel like they are all getting the attention they deserve I usually give them 1 hours play time each twice a day and I have them out throughout the day too but individually, to groom...
  18. sue.

    Stroppy Male

    Hi all. I'm completely new to forums and guinea pigs too, so I hope I'm posting in the right place. We have a 14/15 week old male pig, who we have hhad since 3rd dec. We bought for our 5 year old. Hes a house pig, and is very spoilt. Although he is really relaxed around us all and is very...
  19. E

    Guinea Pigs Fighting

    Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I own five young male guinea pigs. Two of them, I just adopted yesterday. And since I adopted them, two of my older guinea pigs have been fighting non-stop! One of them even managed to draw blood overnight. I have separated them for now and am taking the...
  20. Francesca13.04

    Fighting Males

    Hi, So I have 3 male Guinea pigs two of them were from the same litter and I got the third a month later. They were all getting along fine until the two brothers started being aggressive toward each other about a week ago which I kept an eye on and when I came home one day the one had bitten the...