
  1. Gemm24

    Goodbye my baby Oreo

    My baby Oreo died this morning, she was my first guinea pig and my first one to lose. It’s so strange to not see her in her cage munching on some veg. She was a fantastic guinea pig who was the big boss of everyone. She was so cute and cuddly! She could also be stubborn and moody but that was...
  2. S

    New Cagemate After Sudden Death?

    I hate to have my first post here be so depressing, but I'm not sure what to do right now. I had 2 guinea pigs, Einstein and Snickers. Snickers was adopted at 7 weeks from a local rescue as a new cagemate for Einstein, whos last cagemate, Mr. Cuddles, died suddenly due to a stroke. Today...
  3. Leah&Penelope

    Shedding Hair

    Hey Guys, My guinea Leah who is about two months old has started to shed hair. She is a short haired, smooth coat Harlequin (i think!). Anyway, we live in Australia where it is just about to be summer and I am wondering if it is just that she is losing her winter coat (similar to how dogs do)...
  4. TheLottiediarys

    I Think Bear Might Be Depressed?

    Bear is my Neutered Male. He used to live with three females in a herd, Sadly this year we suddenly lost two of the girls a few weeks apart. He still lives with Lottie, but recently this past week or so I've noticed he doesn't seem himself, He's not lost weight and he is still eating and...
  5. G

    Guinea Pig Died, New Friend For His Brother?

    at the end of christmas break one of my guinea pigs suddenly died :( its taken a few weeks for me to process and move past it but I'm mostly okay now. my guinea pig is named haytham (like the assassin’s creed character!) and he and his brother have been together for all their lives (3 years!)...
  6. fueloficarus

    Bereaved Question

    Hello all. New here. Yes, I read the above threads, but as you all know when this happens you still have to ask. So, we lost a pig yesterday. Truffles. He died very quickly, as did his brother (actual brother, from the same litter, who passed away about 4 months ago). They were bought from a...
  7. Celine298

    Antibiotics & Piggies Appetite Loss

    Hey all! I brought my piggy to the vet yesterday with a skin ailment, fungal infection with possible mange mites. Although mites have been more or less ruled out (vet is getting a second opinion just to be safe) I've begun treating his fungal infection. I was prescribed Baytril (0.8mls twice...
  8. Parnassus

    Lonely Guinea Pig, Lost Her Boyfriend.

    (Please let me know if I'm posting in the wrong topic area, I'm new to the site.) I need advice or support or tips of any kind! A few months ago, we adopted a newly bonded pair that was fostered by the lady who runs the local rescue. One is part satin (4-6 months old, the rescue wasn't...