
  1. Hnrpiggies

    Diarrhoea type poop in 2y/o sow pictures attached

    Hi, I’m really scared right now, never had an issue quite like this. my Guinea pig Blondie has either poo, or brown mucus coming out of her anus. There’s also been some blood but I don’t know if I caused that by wiping her and trying to open her genital area up to see what was’s...
  2. W

    Winnie's illness + treatment (Rapid Weight Loss)

    Hey everyone! I wanted to document my pig's, Winnie, illness and treatment over the past few weeks as a future reference for those who may experience something similar in the future, and just a way for me to discuss her progress with fellow piggie parents! Looking online, I couldn't find many...
  3. D

    Crusty red spot on belly

    Hi there, just went to hold my skinny pig Stella, and noticed this weird mark/rash on her belly. It's a reddish circle with dry skin on it. I'm new to this form and don't know how to upload pictures so if someone could let me know how to do that it would be much appreciated. I'm seriously...
  4. S

    Pericardial effusion

    Hello, I’m after some experiences from other owners with piggies with heart conditions. My 3yo female guinea pig was started on treatment for heart problems around 6 months ago. She was doing so well no further issues until 4 days ago when she stopped eating/drinking, lethargic. I took her to...
  5. Natashaaaaa

    UTI/bladder stones?

    Hi all, we recently lost one of my guinea pigs very suddenly (Cinna). We still have her two beautiful sisters (Butterscotch and Humbug) however Butterscotch has fallen very ill during and since her sisters passing. We noticed mucus on her bum to begin with, but it was rarely there so of course...
  6. Jasmined

    Does this look like a fungal infection?

    Hi! I’ve just spotted this on one of the guinea pigs. I’ve got a vet appointment booked for Monday, but just wondering if any one has any clue what it is. Is it a fungal infection? I can’t tell if it’s on the skin of the eyelid or just crustiness but the lid is also a little swollen. With the...
  7. A

    Poorly Piggy & now strange poops!

    Hi Everyone, I am new here, and a new Guinea pig mum (Got them last October at 12 weeks old, they are the first I have ever had!) We have had quite a week with one of our boys, he has been weeing pink for a week and yesterday it looked like it was just blood. Today is his 6th day of 7 days of...
  8. Erinmartinx

    guinea pig is lethargic and isn't eating much.

    hi all, i have noticed over the past few days that my guinea pig is becoming increasingly more lethargic and isn't eating/drinking as much as usual. i have started to pull her out of her cage a few times a day to give her some vegetables, as i am worried her cage mate is taking it all. she eats...
  9. D

    Guinea pig not eating

    Hey - first time doing a post as I am desperate! I was wondering if anyone had any advice for a piggie that isn’t eating? We took him to the vets as he wasn’t eating and the vet examined him, said that there isn’t anything *obvious* wrong with him; checked his teeth, breathing, stomach for...
  10. M

    Is it just her time?

    Hello everyone, I have just created an account this minute as I really need your advice. (she has been to the vets lots of times for this) My 4yr old pig Maisy has ovarian cysts. She had surgery to remove everything but stopped breathing when the anaesthetic was given. So they stopped before...
  11. Makaiobaby

    Help! What is on my guinea pigs nose?

    Last night I found this strange patch on my guinea pigs nose. I can’t seem to get a good picture of it but it’s a small hard patch that just seems like matted fur but why is it there?
  12. court29x

    Lump on back

    Hi I’m looking for opinions as my guinea pig Bean has got a lump on the bottom of her back just above her bum. When I touch it she moves away but doesnt squeal. She’s eating and drinking fine, I only found the lump last night and ever since then she’s been very feisty with my other Guinea pig...
  13. G

    What is this substance coming out of my male guinea pigs hole?

    My male guinea pig who is at least 2 years old has not been peeing for 2 or more days but instead, has been having this substance come out of his urethra/peehole. I’ve looked up symptoms online, trying to find this exact substance but haven’t been able to find anything similar. It can either be...
  14. M

    Soft, smelly poops after death of cagemate?

    Until recently I had two guinea pig extremely bonded boars housed together, though last weekend one of them suddenly fell ill. He lost a lot of weight very quickly, was hot to touch, making pained noises, and occasionally gasping in pain. We rushed him to the vet, and were given an extensive...
  15. Cherrychops100

    Specialist Abscess on face - HELP

    Hi there, my guinea pig had a large lump on her face so we took her to the vet. She examined her and said that she had 2 abscesses, so cut them open to drain the puss and bacteria. She's on antibiotics and we're draining it with hibiscrub to try and squeeze everything out. However there is a...
  16. M

    Weird noises

    Hi guys, my guinea pig is making these noises but only seems to make them at night (theyre house pets) but doesn’t make it every night and not all the time... It’s accompanied by sometimes coughing. it sounds like very low effortless squeaking I’ve taken him to the vets and they examined him...
  17. A

    Baby guinea pigs eaten bulb leaves

    Hello, my two baby guinea pigs have eaten about a 1.5cm squared piece of bulb leaf. They are this together, so it would be less for each one. Please help, will they be okay?
  18. R

    Piggy seems quite sick, need advice quickly!

    I know the first thing everyone will say is take them to the VET, i will explain why i'm having issues with this. I've had 2 young piggies for around a month now, within the first couple of days i noticed one of them was highly energetic and twitchy, sneezing, lazy eyes (squinting a lot, just...
  19. Kyubi0302

    Red marks on nose , please help

    Hello everyone! I'm so glad that I found this site... Its 4 am here and I noticed my guinea pig has red Mark's on her nose. She had a weird crusty nose a few days ago and I put some fungus cream on it because other owners told me she had a fungal infection. I bought her from petsmart and ever...
  20. basicpiggies

    Sudden Aggression From Sow

    Hi everyone. I have three guinea pigs. Two of them I adopted at the same time and they’ve always been glued at the hip and very close. Starting last night, one of them has seemed to not be able to coexist with the other one. Even if her friend passes her, she starts loudly chattering and getting...