
  1. LunaAndPepper

    Good veggies for babies?

    Sorry I ask so many questions! Are there certain veggies that are great for baby guinea pigs? I've been feeding mine the veggies recommended for nursing piggies, and the mom has been eating them all but the babies will only eat lettuce. Is it fine as long as the mom gets all of the nutrition...
  2. LunaAndPepper

    Spayed mother living with two grown sons?

    Hello! About a month ago, I adopted two "female" Guinea pigs from a pet store, one happened to be male and the other turned out to be pregnant. I had to give the father away, but now there's the problem of what to do with the two newborn male guinea pigs. They are perfectly healthy, and I really...
  3. S

    I can't go to a vet about our dying guinea pig.

    We bought guinea pigs a few years ago. Little did we know they'd been inbred, and all except 1 have grown tumours and two have died because of it. The first guinea pig that grew a tumour was taken to a vet and had an operation to remove it, but that cost my mum £90 and she said she wouldn't...
  4. RachelLaura2012

    Bonding 2 Males

    Hi, We got our first boar Dwight in Autumn 2019 - he was recommended to be homed individually because he was apparently bullied and when we got him, he had a couple of recovering cuts on his face. We kept him alone until January to see how he developed and he was doing well. He was lively and...
  5. S

    mystery guinea pig paralysis! please help!

    I checked on my guinea pigs and I noticed one flopped on its side not moving. I at first thought he was dead and freaked out but upon closer inspection I noticed he was still aware, the problem was his legs. He had no control over his hind or front legs and even his head was just flopping...