Hi everyone,
I really need advice as I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and worried.
I bought two female Guinea pigs (6 weeks old) from a woman who had had a litter. I chose her instead of a pet store as I saw the baby Guinea pigs were handled by her kids regularly and I thought it’s be good to...
I was checking my guinea pigs for fly strike as I’ve had many flies in my apartment due to the hot weather, I have 10 guinea pigs as two of them were misgendered when given to me so I had two pregnant Sows one of which in the pictures below (6 babies between the two of them), the babies are...
Hiya! my guinea pigs are both 1 years old. They seem to be seeing blood but have no other symptoms of illness, they are both male. what could be causing this. i have already booked an appointment but am incredibly anxious as this is the first time my piggies have had any sign of illness!
I have a girl who wasn’t eating. So I took her to a vet (good exotic vet) who said her incisors were at an angle which suggested something was going on further back. She then had an X-ray and some dental filling on her back teeth and a spur under GA. This was Monday.
As of today, she’s...
My Guinea pig is eating hay right now and hes making weird meowing type noise then wiping his nose, maybe a groan type noise? but it really sounds like a somewhat low meow
edit: he has lavender bedding I got yesterday and this just started
hes also eating and drinking
hi theres a bald spot on one of my guinea pigs and I'm really worried about it. hes been drinking, eating and everything. no sign of illness or stuff like that. he just has this small bald spot that I'm worried about. but my mom doesn't view guinea pigs as a pet worthy of a vet at all. what should...
Hello, I have had piggies for years but my current male is licking every galvanised surface he can find in the garden. Upturned wheel barrows, bike spokes and cage grill. Is there a deficiency in his diet? Has anyone else experienced this?
So Ive recently introduced a new baby pig to my two other piggies. The baby got a dry bald patch near its head which I think is ringworm and I don’t know what to do. I’ve separated my Guinea pigs for now but they’ve already been exposed. How long should I continue quarantining them? How long...
My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
airline travel
elder guinea pig
healthadvicehealth and safety
health and wellness
help advice needed
help and advice needed
travel with pigs
I recently got Guinea pigs about 2 weeks ago. One seems perfectly healthy and the other seemed healthy for the most part when we first got her. We noticed one of her ears had no fur but her other ear did. Her ear was super red but it’s calmed down a lot since we’ve had her (one of her ears still...
Hello all! I just wanted some help identifying some slight hair loss under my pig Taro's eye in the right bottom corner. The skin/fur in the area is dry and smooth (not crusty or flaky) and there have been no behaviour changes since noticing the problem. I haven't found any further hair loss...
I’m hoping you may be able to give me some advice. A couple of weeks ago I heard what sounded like a wheezing sound coming from my guinea pig while he was sleeping. I managed to catch it on video and took him to my local vets (Dragon Vets, Tewkesbury). They gave him a once over, checked his...
Hello! I've observed my piggie doing this a couple times and I can't seem to find anything at all online about it. He tenses up, as if trying to push out a very pig poo, then bends over and pushes a long, narrow pink organ out of his bum. He then proceeds to lick it before it gets sucked back...
My piggy Tom has been seeing an exotic vet for 3 months now with his toe. As you can see this is a large pimple like object which has thickened the nail and we have been asked by the vet to not trim this.
The same toe on his other foot had a similar lump start to form but the antibotics...
I just had to put my 2 year old guinea pig down although i feel like he could have been saved ..what the emergency vet wanted to do was hospitalize hm etc….all for $3,600…honestly i dont have it. If there was a payment plan i would have done it for sure but I'm just torn because i feel like i...
Hi all!
One of my guinea pigs has what appears to be signs of nose discharge, but it looks to be more brown than green or yellow. I also found a little bit on her bottom lip which was weird. I attached a picture because I have never dealt with nose discharge or any related issues before even...
I previously had an issue with breathing with my little boar. It got better but it seems that it is happening again but with both of them. They have this weird wheezing sound coming from their noses and they sneeze (maybe 3-4 times a day.) I’m a little conflicted because i don’t know if...
Advice needed please! We have 2 girl guinea pigs around 2 or 3 (unsure as rehomed) & they have got hay mites! This is the second time they’ve had them, when we got them in February they came with the mites. We bathed them & put treatment on and thought that would be it but now we’ve noticed...
Hi everyone! (Long post)
Please move if I put it in the wrong section
I’m new to joining the forum, this being my first post, but I have been a reader for quite a while and have learnt so much.
Last week, I took my two 5 month old girls to the vet as I suspected early signs of possibly a URI...
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