head tilt

  1. doodlecountry

    Head Tilt While Eating?

    Hi everyone, I am so concerned about one of my newer babies. She is one of the 5 girls I have and I believe she gave the other critters mites. Since then they have been treated with Advantage. However, I noticed Sophia is now having a slight head tilt when she eats. I think she's also been...
  2. 2Pigs2Many

    Guinea pig head tilt.

    I have 2 boys who are both almost 3 years old now. They have been generally healthy their whole life except 2.5 years ago they fought and got abscesses. They get timothy hay multiple times throughout the day, a small thing of pellets, fresh water, celery for lunch and red leaf lettuce +...
  3. Akanksha singh

    Head tilt in my guinea pig

    Hello, i have a year old female guinea pig, she was perfectly fine till yesterday morning but last night i wasnt home and my husband noticed she walked and tilted more on the left side, though she is eating fine and walking around. I am worried because this is india and where i live is not a big...
  4. PiggiesAndPaws

    Aftercare for a Guinea Pig After a Stroke - Part 1

    A couple of weeks ago my guinea pig suffered from a stroke. There was no particular reason or cause it just happened out of nowhere. He is getting older now and he's approaching 3 years old so his age could be the reason. I wasn't there to witness his stroke but there are a few easy symptoms to...
  5. A

    Permanent head tilt in Guinea

    Hi ! I stumbled upon this forum looking for some guinea info. I work at a pet store and we got delivered a batch of guineas a few months ago where one was shaking its head alot, we took him to the vets same day, he ended up staying there almost a week before we got him back where we continued...
  6. TheLottiediarys

    Rabbit With Head Tilt, Do I Let Her Fall Over Or Try To Help Her?

    Hi guys, some might know that Floppsy our rabbit is poorly with a suspected Parasite, its caused her to have Head Tilt and balance issues, Shes been very unbalanced today, Keeps falling onto her side and rolling around frantically to try to get upright, my question is this: When she falls like...
  7. C

    Head Tilt

    Hello, This is my first time posting and I'm hoping for some advice. I have a 1 1/2 year old peruvian guinea pig named Kevin Bacon. I noticed one morning about 2 1/2 weeks ago that he developed a head tilt to the right side and was not acting himself. I am lucky to work at a veterinary hospital...
  8. Jesse's pigs

    Advice Needed For My Rabbit.

    I'm sorry I realise this isn't a piggy problem but wondered if you could help anyway- it's appreciated. I'm really worried about my boy. Some of you may know that I have a rabbit called Bigwig. He must 7 years old by now (6 at the youngest) and he's never had any health problems or really any...
  9. Hazel&Daliah

    Guinea Pig Flapping Ears

    Hi guys! I have a quick question. I had my guinea pig Daliah out for lap time. I was giving her a piece of fruit for her to snack on and noticed her flapping her ears while eating. She was doing it every 10 secs or so. At first we thought she was excited and thought it was cute and funny. She...
  10. C

    Head Bobbing?

    Hi my guinea pig keeps bobbing his head just randomly Its not when we are near him or stroking him Any help would be appreciated He doesn't seem to have any stuck in him mouth, he has been biting more but we thought that may just be because we keep picking him up to fix it Thank you
  11. Keiko The Pig

    Odd Guinea Pig Behaviour, Please Help

    Hi, I am a new guinea pig owner, have had my newest furry friend for just over a month now. I've noticed some odd behaviour. I have a young Abyssinian boar, who's name is Keiko. Keiko always seems to tilt his head up, as if he's craning to look at the ceiling, though theres nothing interesting...