My guinea pig has occasionally had zoomies but since turning three she seems to get them multiple times every day. Just wondering if anyone knows what the change could be since I thought they usually got them less the older they got. Does it mean she’s happy?
I have three sweet piggies: Rory, Trixie, and Nutmeg, who are all about two years old. They get along very well and enjoy each other’s company. They share a 12-square-foot cage. I don’t hold them often or have much time to spend with them these days due to work. They love head scratches in the...
Ive done a horrible thing I'm a horrible piggy mum. I had an avocado plant in my room and i left it on the floor for around an hour to clean my room. I didnt know it was toxic to guinea pigs and mine ate half of a leaf . I didnt think anything of it and just saw she has diarrhea 24 hours later ...
Hi to all,
My baby boar Goma was just found to have lymphoma. He’s just turned 5 this year and it’s a sadness I’ve not felt before. I was wondering if anybody has any palliative care tips or guides to make his time with us here more fun and enjoyable.
Thank you and best wishes to all,
Today I picked up Gizmo for a cuddle and groom, after his groom he settled on my lap which has never happened before. He then gave me a big yawn and pancaked onto my lap. (I even think he had a snooze!)
I’ve never had a cuddle with either of them for this long and it’s just made me really happy 😆
During these rough times I think a lot of us could use something to smile at so I think we should share three facts about our little boars and sows.
I have three boars each one with a different personality and their own little quirks. So here is a fact about each of my guinea pigs that...
Hey! I would like a bit of insight as for the past week or two I've been dumbfounded by my pair of guinea pigs. (They are 10 weeks old, I got them at 6 weeks)
since the 7/8th week they are so relaxed around me thats its scary 😂 they will eat from my hand, sleep on my lap (with eyes closed)...
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behaviour and bonding
Can anyone share an accurate video of a guinea purring? I‘ve searched high and low but all the clips I’ve seen have been of owners mistaking purring for rumbling.
My two are very vocal and I want to be able to distinguish between purring and general chatter/exploring chirps 😊
Does any one have any recommendations (links if possible) for some cosier beds?
Recently moved to fleece bedding and they’re loving it, would love to put some more snuggly items in. I’ve seen pictures of guineas sleeping in sort of cat bed looking things, I’ve had a little search but nothing’s...
After a good cage clean I've got a guinea horse. He's jumping over and climbing on his brother who's under the fleece pocket in the middle. During zoomies he will jump on him, or over him if he's anywhere in the cage LOL.
So I’ve had the girls 11 months now, and today they were both kipping out in the open! They have pigloos and a box but seem to have chosen to just dodge them. I’M SO HAPPY! The undergirl is the less scared one, though it’s the opposite with my husband 🤣🤷🏾♀️ Here’s a picture of her kipping...
Is it ok to leave my guinea pig Colt alone for three hours? Will he get bored or lonely? He is two months old so I don’t know if I should leave him alone. We are going to drive but it will take three hours to get there. We just got him and he hides alot. He is also very jumpy if he is left alone...
So i got my piggies about 2 weeks ago when they were only 8 weeks old, as they’re coming up to 10 weeks i must say they’re getting their own lil personalities and growing more confident every day, they absolutely love being out in the sun munchin the grass, they’re defo the cutest lil creatures...
I was wondering if anyone could please help me,
I have been doing lots of research for about 6/7 months because I am getting 2 baby American guinea pigs and I can't find any information on weather or not RUBBER toys are safe for guinea pigs. I was wondering if anyone could please help me...
Went to Pets@Home today to get another 1kg bag (I think lol its the biggest one they do) of Timothy hay. I know it's not the best value for money (actually think they messed up as the sign said £6.99 and I paid £4 something :whistle:) but Mo loves it and Steve has been on it since I got him...
I've been a piggy mammy for less than two months. But already I can understand why people love them so. I had a death in my family two days ago. My great aunt passed away after quite a tough weeks weeks. She was like a nanny to me as all my grandparents are unfortunately long gone. The last few...
I just saw my little Rosie "popcorning" for the first time while making noise, which she never has before! It was just lovely... I think she's finally settling in!:love::D
Right I've finally done it! Mo has a friend which he is currently getting acquainted to. (Mo has never looked soooo huge!)
Okay so he seemed a little shocked at first and a bit jumpy. Then I got a little worried cos he kept nibbling the little ones fur and ears - one of which he caught and...
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