hair loss

  1. Beans&Toast

    Beans Is Shedding More Than Normal

    For the past week I've noticed Beans is shedding far more than normal. It's not all over though it's only in one area, at the back near her bum. If I stroke her from head to bottom, once I get to her bottom her hair is coming out almost in clumps (there are no bald spots). I've had a look at...
  2. Beans&Toast

    Toast's Hair Starting To Grow Back

    After a stressful and painful couple of weeks Toast was barbaring quite badly. She pulled the fur from her chin out and was left with a bald patch. :( Now she's pain free and happy she's stopped barbaring and her little beard is growing back nicely :D:love:
  3. Beans&Toast

    Terrified Toast Has An Uri

    Long post but please stick with me. I've spent the last few hours searching through health threads on here and Guinea Lynx and I've got a horrible sinking feeling Toast has a URI. For some time, every now and again Toast would make this strange sound, which after researching and listening to...
  4. C

    Help With Excessive Shedding

    Hi, My guinea pig is at least four, maybe 5 years old, and we've had him for 3-4 years. I get it, he's old. But when I took him out today, there was a ton of shedding. More than usual, for sure. There are no bald patches, and as far as I know no mites/lice. I don't think it's temperature...