
  1. Fizzywoz

    Guinea Pig Husbandry Survey.

    My name is Sarah. I’m a final year university student studying Applied Animal Studies. For my dissertation I am researching how guinea pig owners care for their companion guinea pigs. There are 19 questions and I would really appreciate your contribution. Your answers will be kept confidential...
  2. MollysPigs

    Does This Sound Like A Good/safe Guinea Pig Home?

    Hello everyone :) xx Recently I adopted two adorable little guinea pigs from my local rescue, and the cage that they came in is so horrible and tiny - they are both miserable and bored stiff. :soz: I've been busy writing ideas and cage plans and have now decided to attach a Bluebell Hideaway...
  3. sweetcake

    My Guinea Pig Has Blood In Her Pee?

    I noticed something strange about my guinea pigs. I know I will need to go to a vet soon. However I want to make extra sure if my piggies will be okay. I was cleaning their cage and I noticed a little puddle of light red but clear pee. My dad told me he fed them carrots and that's why their pee...
  4. pipsqueaking

    Why Did My Guinea Pig Die So Young?

    I had 3 guinea pigs, they were all brothers from the same litter. They were all different sizes, one is very big and heavy, the other is just right and likes to play and Pipsqueak (who sadly died not so long ago) has always been very small and delicate. They're all a year and they live in my...