guinea pig

  1. N

    vets just don’t know. Guinea pig sneezing a lot/ 1 runny nostril metcam not working.

    Hi has anyone had this issue before or is there a vet that can help? My Guinea pig has been sneezing very often for 2 months and getting a runny nose (just one nostril & clear fluid) He’s absolutely fine in himself the vets say it’s NOT an infection because the runny nose is clear and he’s...
  2. M

    Spot on skin - please Help

    Hi dear piggy parents, my name is Monica, I found a wired black spot on my piggy’s belly this afternoon,it is not her nipple, and the skin under that wired spot is black too, her poop is normal and she’s eating well and when I touched that spot she didn’t feel hurt or uncomfortable, the vet was...
  3. M

    Guinea pig has URI, prescribed Orbax - I'm worried...

    Hi! I'm worried for my little Guinea Pig. His name is Edgar Allan Pig (Eddie) he's 4 and a half years old, and about a week ago I noticed him not eating, had sunken eyes, and was face-planted into his bedding. I was terribly worried and thought he was just not feeling well. Roughly only a couple...
  4. Jloveslife22

    Ongoing dental issues many surgeries done. Roots? Mandibular?

    Hi everyone, My name is Jess I'm from Brisbane, Queensland Australia and have such an unusual case I felt sharing the story here may be worthwhile incase someone has answers. I've hunted google many times and keep landing on posts here with answers. Will try do a brief summary keep it super...
  5. P

    Nerve pain

    Hello, I’m here to talk about my piggys nerve pain. I went to the vet recently to find out she has had nerve pain and she would itch it so much to the point she bit all her nails off. It has helped as it is the third day on metocam and gabapentin, and I'm wondering if this is life threatening. I...
  6. F

    Guinea pig bald spot

    Hi everyone. I’m worried about my Guinea pig (Han solo) age 2.5. I noticed earlier this week he was starting to develop a bald spot on the top of his head. It is about half an inch long and skinny. He is always sitting under his ramp and I think it may be the cause because he is having no other...
  7. C

    Guinea Pig Probiotics

    Hi! My 3 year old male guinea pig was on antibiotics prescribed by the vet after his brother passed away from pneumonia. We stopped it after he had a bad reaction to it. He is still having diarrhea from the antibiotics. Not full on, his stools are still somewhat formed. I thinking I'm going to...
  8. O

    Minimum guinea pig cage size is too small?

    I just upgraded my hamster's enclosure- a guinea pig wooden cage that measures 150 cm by 60 cm by 45 cm.. Which I read is apparently the minimum cage size for 2 guinea pigs. Having seen my Syrian hamster in this new cage, I don't understand how this size is suitable for guinea pigs? I never had...
  9. S

    Can Guinea pigs eat spiders

    This is kinda a random question but can Guinea pigs eat spiders because I would have sworn I watched my pig eat one that fell into his cage
  10. Adelyn

    Guinea pig has eaten part of a grocery bag?

    So, I had let Stella and Clover out for floor time. I was opening the cage when they where done so they could go back in, and when I looked back at them, Stella had a piece of grocery bag in her mouth. I had cleaned the room before floor time, but the little piece blended in. Stella ate it...
  11. L

    Help with creating a guinia pig emergency kit, and Trying to learn about Guinea pig care

    Hiya, it's LittleLightz here, and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions of what to put in a guinea pig care emergency kit and why you would put it in there? I am trying to learn all I can, I have never owned piggies before, and want to go down the right path of piggy ownership. Please help...
  12. patnporridge


    guinea pig wheezing? Hi, I heard my sweet baby boy Porridge making this kind of wheezing sound earlier, he sneezed at the end but keeps doing it on and off. Obviously concerned he has some kind of respiratory thing going on - assuming a vet visit is probably the way to go but wondering if...
  13. S


    I recently got a full time job and am struggling, I still take good care of my two boys like cleaning the cage, feeding, health checks ect, but I am not doing okay, it takes a lot out of me as when i get come from work i just want to have my dinner, watch tv and go to sleep, but i am torn...
  14. BobaTheGuineaPiglet

    Guinea pig teeth issue

    Hi, My Guinea pig had a peice of hay stuck between his teeth, and it turns out that one small piece of hay had created a space between his bottom teeth, and the teeth was in an acute V shape. I just checked again just now, and his bottom teeth went back to straight, but with a small tiny hay...
  15. Guineapigs33

    Piggy picture ❤️

    This is the first time I’ve really been able to get a picture of inky ❤️ Both of my piggies still run when I come around. I’ve barely had them a month. I thought I’d share this cause it’s super cute lol
  16. M

    Urgent need of help to relieve my Guinea pigs eye

    Need help with my Guinea pigs eye. All vets nearby are filled or closed and she’s an 7-8 year old piggy in the meanwhile is there anything I can do to clean or medicate this cloudy drippy eye? My original post was on Reddit but am not seeing any traction link below for pictures please send any info!
  17. Wheek!Wheek!

    Mum doesn't want to get a bigger hutch?

    So we bought a hutch the other day and it's something like 3sq ft it's tiny. I don't know what to do. I have to clean it thoroughly twice a day it's so small. I don't know what to do bc we just got it and my mum said she doesn't want to hear ANY complaints about it. My dad agrees with me, so...
  18. G

    Guinea pig poop odd shape

    Hi I have 2 male Guinea pigs. Both around 10 months old. One of them does these odd shaped poops. He does normal shaped poops as well and they are normal consistency. I just don’t know if this is anything to worry about. I have had a pair of Guinea pigs before them that lived for around 6 years...
  19. tianna

    HELP! Dry patch on guinea pig ear?

    So I recently got two guinea pigs, and one of them has a medium sized dry patch behind his ear- I don’t know what it is and I will post a photo as and when I can! Please help! :nod:
  20. shaggy and scooby

    My guinea pig makes whimpering noises while 'cleaning' himself down there

    I've had my two my guinea pigs for just over a year and one of them has been sucking his private parts for a few months. I know that licking themselves is how they might clean themselves but he makes very loud whimpering moaning sounds when he does this. I know that he's not just eating his poo...