guinea behaviour

  1. C

    3 Male guinea pigs bonding problem

    I recently got two male guinea pigs for my senior guinea pig, whose cage mate died in March. Right away during the bonding time, my senior guinea pig (Coco) started humping and nibbling the other guinea pigs. Since nothing out of ordinary was going on, I continued with the bonding process and...
  2. edgarallanpaw

    adding a second guinea pig?

    so about seven months ago i was looking for my first guinea pig pet and my local store explained that they’d recently had three guineas brought in who had had to be separated. they’d been there for a few days-a week alone, and only one was ready to be adopted. so i took him home and he seems to...
  3. K

    Advice needed on introducing guinea pigs

    Hey everyone! I am new to owning guinea pigs but I am already in love! I have a baby who is about 3 months old and she came with an eye infection so I wanted to get her a friend after I had finished the medicine process. I finally finished a couple days ago and she seems to be doing well. I...
  4. LauMelissa

    Guinea Pigs Fighting

    Hey! I desperately seeking advice. My two boys guineas are not getting along. One is clearly the dominant one, the other being submissive. However the dominant one will not stop chasing and trying to mount the other. Chatters his teeth at him. Then squeaks angrily too. I have to keep...
  5. C

    New Guinea pig not nice to others

    Hi I have 7 guinea pigs one of my guinea pigs can’t be near a guinea pig as he just attacks them does anyone know of a animal behaviourist that does guinea pigs