guinea behaviour

  1. S

    Sows - wounds

    Hey there, new piggie owner here. I’ve had my two six month old sows for about a month now, they were housed together prior to when I got them as well and are suspected to be from the same litter. I’ve noticed them fighting, as well as wounds on one of the smaller one’s ears and her neck area...
  2. C

    Questions and concerns

    Hello! Newbie to the forum :) I recently got a pair of pigs i believe to be male and female based on my very best and million-douple checking. For the male: how can I clean his lower area? With my last piggies I had females so this is new to me. Also any other tips and info! For the...
  3. S

    6 Pigs Cage

    I currently have a 3x13 cage for my 6 female guinea pigs. I recently adopted my 6th one which was a baby maybe around 6 to 8 weeks. 3 of the adult females have been kind of aggressive towards her when she walks up or tries to cuddle against them. We had to separate her for now because she did...
  4. Lauziiedauziie


    I have four male guinea pigs, split into two pairs. Their cage is also a two tiered cage so the pairs rarely interact with each other (as two have a strong disliking for each other) They all live very peacefully however tonight has been a little weird. I did their weekly deep clean, fed them and...
  5. Mh29

    Are my Guinea pigs getting along?

    Hi, looking for some quick advice. I got 2 Guinea pigs yesterday. (Both female, roughly 12 weeks). All day yesterday they didn’t come out from the little houses. Today they have been exploring the cage, eating and drinking and running around. I have noticed today that they appear to be chasing...
  6. RheMae

    Guinea pig won't stop scratching, don't want to stress him too badly!

    Hi all. Me again. I hope it's okay, I've read so much, and it helps to get advice from other piggy parents. So I started with 3 boys, Judo, Guts, and Bert. Judo passed away after a trip to the ER, I believe due to gut stasis I wasn't informed of. I scheduled an appointment for Guts the same...
  7. Noodles and Bubbles

    Is my piggy aggressive? 🫣

    Hello everyone! I have two girls (Noodles 🍜 and Bubbles 🫧)that as long as I know are around 3 months old. We live together for about a week and a half and since yesterday I have noticed a change in Noodles’ behavior. When Bubbles approaches her while she’s eating, Noodles start chasing her...
  8. D

    Humping and chasing

    Hello! I Am 13 years old and in desperate need of help. My younger guinea pig is chasing my older one and I'm not quite sure what to do.. As of right now I have built a separate C&C cage which is 2x3 to separate younger one. Was this the right decision? He is also humping the older one. he was...
  9. P

    Baby Guinea pig being too dominant with older Guinea pig

    About a week and a half ago, one of my beloved piggies passed away. I had 2 at the time and suddenly I then only had one. I spent the day cuddling with my baby and thought that he needed a new sibling. After doing much research and talking to a vet, I came to the decision to find him a little...
  10. A

    MALE Guinea Pig Fighting the Others

    hey everyone i’m new to this (i think i’m using this right). so i have 4 MALE guinea pigs all living in 1 cage (3x6) it’s really big and they all used to get along perfectly until recently. 2 of them are over a year old and the other 2 are around 7 months old. the bonding process took a while...
  11. shaggy and scooby

    My guinea pig makes whimpering noises while 'cleaning' himself down there

    I've had my two my guinea pigs for just over a year and one of them has been sucking his private parts for a few months. I know that licking themselves is how they might clean themselves but he makes very loud whimpering moaning sounds when he does this. I know that he's not just eating his poo...
  12. annaandpigs

    Manic, territorial guinea pig.

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me advice on my insane male guinea pig, Bandit (aptly named). I have four guinea pigs in total, (all male) the two that I got first still live together - Bandit came with a cage mate (Rufus) who is very gentle and sweet and Bandit bullied him continuously - we...
  13. thepiggies

    Hostile boar

    Hello, my herd of four has been introduced for about a month now, and they had been fine. I have my guinea pigs in my bedroom so this morning I woke up to very loud squeaking, some squeaks shrill. I got up to check on them and Bunny - the (neutered) boar and leader - was chasing my three girls...
  14. B

    New guinea pigs taming, 3 girls.

    Hey! I’ve just joined this forum so please bear with me. I’ve recently adopted 3 little sows; they’re beautiful and the most beautiful nature but they are extremely shy [for reference they are all roughly 8 weeks old]. Whenever anyone walks into the room with their cage, they immediately hide...
  15. F

    Possible Ringworm In New Piggie

    Hi everyone! So yesterday in our boy piggie (Approx 11 weeks old) I noticed a bald flaky looking patch at the bottom of his back. Called the shop we got him from to ask what we needed to do etcetc. I've ordered the spot on stuff he's suggested for if it isn't ringworm but honestly from...
  16. M

    Why did my guinea pig die?

    My guinea pig was young and active one day but the next day I saw her sitting in her cage not moving but heart beating heavily. She didn’t even move when I got the hay out which usually gets her excited to be fed.. We tried taking her to a vet but there was only one exotic pet vet close by and...
  17. kaarhinoarlo

    my boys wont drink water

    hi! I'm new to this forum but i love reading this every now and then. so, i got my boys a few days ago, they are 8 weeks old and still very very shy. they are on timothy hay, oxbow young guinea pig pellets and lots of fresh veggies. they have 2 water bottles in their cage for 3 boys. i’ve...
  18. M

    My guinea pig jumped off my lap from about a less than a foot off the ground. Help!

    So my guinea pig is a female, she’s about exactly a year old. Yesterday she was on my lap and we were sitting together when she suddenly leaped off my lap and fell onto the floor. I’m not sure exactly how she landed, but i’m afraid she maybe got shocked or scared. She’s eating perfectly fine...
  19. B

    staring into corner

    hi ! so recently my guinea pig has been staring at the corner and he sleeps a lot, but he does act pretty normal. he eats, plays regularly, drinks, poops normal, everything. i didnt get him when he was a baby but he wasnt a full grown adult either. hes the first guinea pig i have ever owned and...
  20. S

    Found out after a year I have a boar and a sow rather than two sow's. How come they haven't mated?

    Hi, my situation is abit tricky, I haven't been able to find Info on this anywhere. Today, after a year of owning my two pigs I've noticed that my sow is actually a boar. I've had this verified by someone more experienced than me, but i find it strange that they haven't mated by now. I'm...