fight boars

  1. D


    My two boars have been constantly fighting and the one who starts the fighting is my obedient pig. My mom has separated them but we don't know why they are constantly fighting. the fighting has started out of the nowhere
  2. 2Pigs2Many

    Boar Conflict.

    Hey guys! I've been under some great stress over my 2 babies and I need your opinion/help. Please bare with me, this will be long but I wanted to give as much information as I could to get better help. I got the brothers, Smores and Teddy, when they were just babies, now they are a little...
  3. P

    11 Month Old Boars Fighting Phase - Advice Needed

    Hello everyone, Newbie here! My 2 boars, Grumps and Fluff, are going through a bit of a difficult time at the moment. About 2 months ago they went through what I think was their teenage hormonal stage. They were rumbling, chattering their teeth and had a few scuffles but nothing too serious...
  4. P

    Two Boards Fighting (blood Drawn) And Humping?

    I have two boars, one is 8 months and the other one 7 months. They have always been living together since birth. Prince has always been more dominant but also very protective of vladimir (who is the youngest). If we take vladimir out of the cage, prince will always check he is ok when he comes...