fight boars

  1. nipz58

    Boars had a fight, what now?

    Hi there! Three days ago my guinea pigs, both boars, had a fight and there was blood drawn. The older is around 7 months and the younger is 4 months old. The older one was the injured one, he had a bite on his upper lip and it looked bad. I went to the vet and everything was fine, they gave me...
  2. S

    Piggies not getting on.

    Hi I need some advice. Our two boys do not seem to be getting on at the moment, they are constantly arguing with eachother. The only time they don’t seem to argue is when they are eating. They rumble and wiggle their bums which I know is a dominance thing, but then it gets louder and results...
  3. jaqs

    Help and Advice needed please

    hi there i hope there is someone around atm .... sorry I haven't been on in a while but I am in the need of some advice about My Gibbs & Sylvio My 2 Skinny Pig boys, (13 weeks old) I have noticed some dominance traits ( from what ive read up on) between them, the noises and Mr Gibbs mounting...
  4. Panchito & Fisgon's Dad.

    My two boars got into a small fight

    Sadly as it sounds, my two 16 months old male boars got into a fight. I've had them since they were 4 months old and never got into a full fight, they teeth chatter, pee each other or rumble strut from time to time, but never got into fights, not even when being on small places (When taking...
  5. M


    Hello everyone, my two boars have been living together now for over 7 months. They have NEVER had a fight and have always gotten along. Today, I had put a new fleece tunnel in from Etsy without washing it just to see if they liked it. They suddenly started going crazy and started to fight and...
  6. ash9100

    New Piggies Hissing when over excited.

    This week I purchased 2 male guinea pigs. I've spent a couple months prepping, researching and planning to make sure I am doing the right thing. It's been 5 days now of me getting them settles and I've started to notice one of them (the most shy one - peanut) hissing every now and again...
  7. Sherman and Shaggy's Mom

    They don't seem to get along

    I hate having to ask another question but recently my boys seem to be fighting, no blood, more like lunges. When I got them they said they were bonded but they seem to be angry randomly. Sometimes they seem fine sleeping together, sharing food, stuff like that. But just yesterday day I heard a...
  8. W

    Young boars fighting

    I have four pigs, 3 boars and a sow. Bear (older boar) moved back in with Womble recently. Bear was living with two baby boars (Biggum and Wilson) and before he left kept on having stand offs with Wilson. Now he's gone, Wilson and Biggum keep fighting, it starts off with tooth chattering...
  9. K

    Should I seperate my two boats so close to getting them

    Yesterday I purchased two males from a farm that, due to covid had to find new homes for their huge herd. I've been told both guinea pig are around 5 months although Elvis is significantly larger than Bob. Although they both seemed to be living harmoniously since we got them home, once they were...
  10. Vicvac28

    Bonding boars after a loss

    Hi everyone! I recently lost one of my boys and opted to take Rex to a local rescue to see if he got on with any of the boars there to adopt. He is 2.5 and we found 2 year old Alfie at the rescue. On meeting, they were both very relaxed, butt sniffing and even grooming and then lay down. I...
  11. Po and Sandy

    Dental Guinea pig tooth bent back. help

    Hi Recently our guinea pigs Po and Sandy, two boars age 13 months old have been arguing a lot. When I brought them in from outside a few hours ago there was cuts around there noses and faces, when I saw the cuts closer on Po you could see a cut going down into his mouth. I cheacked his teeth...
  12. J

    Fighting boars

    Hi, I use to have two male guinea pigs but unfortunately one died recently. We didnt want the remaining one (rupert) to be on his own so we bought him two new boars (Harvey and ralph). At first all was fine no fighting at all, they slept and ate happily with each other. However after a couple...
  13. D

    Do my boys need separating?

    I have a 1.5 year old boar Benio, who was bonded with little Ozzie who is now around 4- 5 months. They were bonded when Ozzie was about 6 weeks, and seem to get on fine, with some typical dominance behaviour going on. Since the start, Benio was the dominant pig, with Ozzie usually making...
  14. Z

    2 boars fight

    Hi there, I have two boars Ziggy and Zion. They are separated because they will not establish whose dominant. I’ve tried many different methods. They have a cage with a divider and free roam 24/7 with a gate to separate the two. Ziggy (3yrs) managed to get on Zions side (1yr) while I was not in...
  15. B

    2 New boys... 4 bores total.....

    Please someone help me. I’ve my same boys for almost a year, Felix and Rufus. I think it was a bad idea in the beginning to take in 2 more bores just yesterday.... I couldn’t tell myself no though because these ones where severely neglected; both 3 year olds who never had their nails trimmed EVER...
  16. KpiggieK

    injury- help (should I take to the vet?)

    for the past couple of weeks, I've been introducing my new Skinny boy (few months old) to my one year old guinea pig. They've been housed separately but because they had previously been doing so well, I was actually considering housing them together in the next few weeks... That is until...
  17. C

    Does my male guinea pig living on his own need a companion?

    Hello everyone😁 In January 2018 I adopted 3 male guinea pigs from pets at home, I was told they did get on and that Waffle was the most dominant guinea pig and in the first few days some fights may go on as they settle into their new home. So I brought them home (they have a very large cage)...
  18. kikidee

    Help A Piggy Mama Out: Bonded Boars Suddenly Hate Each Other.

    I have two boys- Max and Maverick. I've had them for about 6 mos and they have always squabbled and done the whole dominance thing, but they never seriously fought. As an example, they would have (what I call) chatter fights where they get angry and circle each other but they never actually...
  19. S

    Urgent, Please Help! Territorial Cavies

    Hi! So, I have two Guinea Pigs names Squanch and Jerry, but I seem to have some behavioral problems and in desperate need to understand what’s happening with them. I have had Squanch since the ending of October to now (January 30). I have had Jerry about a week into December (I got him because...
  20. JoannaMarie

    Two Frightened Pigs... What Can I Do To Help?

    I have two boars (Alan and Monty) who can not live together as they fight. I have one cage and when one is in the cage the other is out 'free range' in the living room. I swap them over twice a day so they each have 12 hours free time to run round the living room whilst the other one's in the...