eye health

  1. Jiggy_Sweets

    Strange Lump On Eye With White Crusty Patches

    Our 4 week old Female guinea pig, Minnie, has started to develop this odd white growth on her upper eye lid which is surrounded by white crusty patches. There is discharge that we can see and there’s no smell present. She is still eating just fine and getting along with her guinea buddy, Sally...
  2. Morticia

    Eye Infection And Removal :(

    Good afternoon everyone, Yesterday and this morning I took my 4 year old guinea pig, Luna, to the vet because her right eye is so swollen and red and it looks so much bigger than the left one, both vets said she'll probably have to have her eye removed. This morning they took some X-rays and...
  3. FlannelPig

    Eye Problems!

    Hello! While feeding my pigs last night i noticed that one of them has one eye that is a little goopy. It doesn't seem to bug him at all but i cleaned it up for him. I'm not super concerned and assume it might be due to the weather changes around here. He was a rescue pig and has had a couple...
  4. H

    Please Help Guinea Pig Really Sick With Eye Ulcer/removal

    PLEASE HELP AND ADVISE URGENT! My piggie Wilma is 6 years old and has never had any major health problems. 2 weeks ago I noticed her eye was looking sore - protruding and buldging out exposing the white muscle at the bottom of her eye, she also couldn't blink but seemed fine in herself, this...
  5. greensn

    My Guinea Pig Has Allergies?

    Hello! So I work in a pet store, and in August (2016), we isolated a guinea pig (two months old at the time) for runny (white discharge) eyes. He saw three different specialists who prescribed terramycin, gentocin, tobramycin, and various antibiotics. Nothing helped this piggy. He was in the...