
  1. G

    Help! Very Sick Guinea Girl

    Something is very wrong. My Ava girl is about 6 months old and has not had any problems until recently. I took her in to a small animals vet because she was coughing and then wheezing. They Took an x-ray but said that it was inconclusive. The doctors best guess was that she was suffering from...
  2. T

    Poorly Piggy

    My piggy isn't moving eating or drinking, or making any noise, he was fine this morning but as I came home from college my mum found him in isn't cage limp, she thinks it was fighting with my other pig, she separated them and he is still in the same state he is moving more but still not much, I...
  3. FairyOlivia

    Going Blind

    Around four years ago I got three female guinea pig sisters. Two have had zero health issues but Fairy has always had trouble with her eyesight. She has always coped relatively well with a little help from myself but since last week I have noticed a big change in her. On Thursday I noticed...
  4. hayleyface

    How Do I Care For My Bloat Survivor? I'm A Bit Scared..!

    River was rushed to the out of hours vet last night with severe bloat. After several hours of waiting to be seen, she was eventually put in an oxygen tank and treated via drip. She has perked up considerably, has started pooping again and has been munching away happily. The vet had fed her on...
  5. A


    Okay! First of all I know I'm an idiot for this, but I'm having really bad anxiety about this right now. I had my little piggie Lu on my shoulder and she fell nose first into the tile floor, her lip busted and she's making popping noises when breathing and I'm really really scared. All the...
  6. lindsayl

    Sos - Vet Is Stumped

    Hi all - My vet doesn't know what is wrong with my Guinea pig. He says he may have a touch of pneumonia and even possibly kidney failure or a respiratory problem. He has lost 200gs in weight. Please help me. I need advice on what to do. I need to do something. He has had antibiotic injection and...
  7. CraigGlasgow

    Aggressive And Pulsing - Help! Emergency Or Not?

    Hello all, My pigs (Weasley, the long haired one and Potter, the short haired one) have had a massive mood swing this evening and have gone from sleeping peacefully in the same igloo to suddenly trying very aggressively to dominate one another. Seperated them for a few minutes then brought them...
  8. Piggiekisses

    Please Help Asap

    Hi, my piggy had something fall on his face, or maybe I accidentally stepped on his face area. Either way, he can't eat right now and there's no vet until the morning. what should I do in the meantime? I don't own critical care but maybe I can make something like that.
  9. MollyB

    Diy Emergency

    Hi all, I had to buy a hutch in the end, and when it arrived it was definitely too small. I'm supposed to be rehoming 2 boys today, and it's just not big enough for them. I can build on to it, as one of the sides is mesh; I was hoping to create a small room with a slope so they can walk...
  10. Celine298

    Umbrella Plant

    So I caught Sunny eating a part of my umbrella plant and now I'm panicking, the info online is geared towards cats and dogs and the last forum post on this topic didn't say if the plant is toxic. Can anyone advise me?
  11. drewj

    Urgent! Uri?

    I seriously believe my new Guinea pig has a URI. I have called the vet and made an appointment. I've called serveral actually. The ealiest any of them can see her is Monday the 13th (it's Thursday the 9th) and I just want to know is there is anything I can do until then to keep my Guinea pig...
  12. lindsayl

    Emergency - Possible Bloat

    Hi, I have not posted for a really long while but I am having a bit of an emergency! I think my pig has bloat. On one side his stomach appears to be distended slightly and when I tap it sounds hollow. The other side however is fine. He's still eating, drinking and toileting like normal.He is...
  13. SazzaG96

    Emergency Vet!

    Hi Guys, So me and the Guinea pigs have had a very stressful day. Archie was diagnosed with a URI and is now on antibiotics but today Han in the evening starting falling over, eye twitching and tilting his head to the right continuously. I was very worried as Han usually is running about...
  14. HaleyK

    I'm Super Worried For My Piggie's Eye! Please Help!

    Just today I noticed that she was squinting and it was a little wet around her eye. When I took a closer look I saw that her one eye was practically flat unlike the healthy one which is the usual bubble-like shape. Also this eye was cloudy, I couldn't even see her dark brown coloring to it. I...