
  1. Pig_mum

    Help! My New Guinea Pig Is Being Bullied

    I have two guinea pigs, Primrose (1 year and 2 months old) and Jemima (approx. 6 years old). I adopted Jemima with another guinea pig, Gordon, from Woodgreen Animal Shelter 4 years ago and due to a number of health complications, Gordon died in February 2016. So in the April of 2016, we got...
  2. AdamFrench

    Ear Biting

    I'm looking for a bit of advice please.. Our two sows were bonded a couple of months ago following the loss of both their companions. One very dominant and the other quite placid and this has been clear since they were bonded. No major issues other than ensuring the hierarchy is still settled...
  3. Annelle

    Bad Reintroductions And When To Stop Trying

    My name is Annelle - an enthusiastic new Guinea Pig parent. I have two little boys (less than 6 months old,) named Banjo and Snoopy. I intended to stop there until I was at a Petco and felt horrible for a bigger male who was being kept alone in the small cage. My heart when out to him and I...
  4. N

    Rescue Piggies And Dominance

    Hi, New to the forum and wondering if anyone could give a bit of advice. We got ours two boys from a rescue place on Sunday. Both are around 2 years old and have been together a long time. Everything's been fine for the most part, they're really happy to be handled, etc. However, we noticed...
  5. Emily Beth

    Dominance Fighting?

    The other day I noticed my boys were being rather aggressive towards each other. The less dominant one since I have had them was jumping on the dominants one back and seemed to be doing something that looked like humping. After this it got worst and the dominant one was throwing the other off...
  6. R

    Two Gladiatorial Dominants

    Hey all, Recently I acquired a third female pig (age ~7mo), and have attempted to introduce her to my older (~2yrs) bonded pair (females) three times. Marie is the dominant between the bonded pair (Rosalind is the submissive one), and Kali is the young whippersnapper. First: All three pigs in...
  7. Cherrychops100

    Is My Guinea Pig Getting Enough Food?

    hi there, I have bonded a pair of sows with a single sow, everything seems to be going fine. Will the little one (single sow) be getting enough food? I'm worried as 1 is quite dominant and the single sow is quite relaxed? They're both around 8-10 weeks Thank you so much
  8. fueloficarus

    Bereaved Question

    Hello all. New here. Yes, I read the above threads, but as you all know when this happens you still have to ask. So, we lost a pig yesterday. Truffles. He died very quickly, as did his brother (actual brother, from the same litter, who passed away about 4 months ago). They were bought from a...
  9. A

    2 Out Of 4 Pigs Died In The Last Two!

    Back in the beginning of November I got 4 guinea pigs. One was from someone off of Craigslist, his name was Sammy. I got 3 others from a rescue, their names were Bram, Candy Corn, and Mr. Clean. All males. Within the first week and a half, Sammy died. We later learned that Sammy wasn't 2 years...
  10. P

    Urgent: Will My Pigs Ever Get Along?

    Hi! I got a new guinea pig today, as I had one pass away recently after only having her for a few weeks :no: I have a 1 year old female, and when I got her previous friend (about 6 weeks old) who passed not long after I got her, she was fine with allowing her into her life. Today I got her...
  11. CraigGlasgow

    Aggressive And Pulsing - Help! Emergency Or Not?

    Hello all, My pigs (Weasley, the long haired one and Potter, the short haired one) have had a massive mood swing this evening and have gone from sleeping peacefully in the same igloo to suddenly trying very aggressively to dominate one another. Seperated them for a few minutes then brought them...
  12. GuineaMom1106

    Bonding Pigs

    So I have 3 female guinea pigs. We got 2 together and they're about 10 weeks old. After about a month of having them we decided to add a 3rd pig. We adopted an older pig, at least year old. I read many forums about how to introduce pigs and help them get along. From what I read it's easiest to...
  13. caroline081

    Dominance Issues

    Helloo everyone! I just have a quick question. We have two guinea pigs around 5 months old sisters named lily and mocha. When we first got them mocha was the dominant one, they still got along well but you could see that she was more dominant than lily. However last week she got ill and we had...
  14. Kristy

    2 Boars... Question About Constant Dominance

    Hi there... This is my first post here... I have been reading and searching for some information. We are very new to owning piggies and I have been reading like a crazy person. We have 2 males, one is "Mortimer" an Absynian (spelling?) and the other is "Charlie" who is an American...
  15. G

    Dominance Between Two Boars

    i have an older male and we introduced him to a baby male yesterday. They did the whole dominance behavior and what not and i wasn't comfortable putting them in the same cage but last night I had their cages side by side and they were squeaking at each other and both were peeking through the...
  16. T

    Do I Need To Intervene?

    Hi, I have had my four baby boars for the last two weeks, they are now about 9 weeks old. I was initially intending to have three, but after doing some reading on here I realised that was never going to work so got a fourth (officially mine) so that we can have two pairs. They are all still...
  17. PixieNixie26

    Dominance/female In Season, How Long?

    Hi there, I am new to the forum, I used to have 6 female guineas but that was a while ago. I currently have 2 new female Guineas, Pixie and Nixie, who are about 12 weeks old. I've had them 2 weeks on Sunday and they are settling in much quicker than expected! I am a bit worried with Nixie as...
  18. Jordyn Warner

    Two Dominant Pigs, Help?

    Hi I have two dominant pigs. An American (Harry) and an Teddy pig (Teddy). The American pig is bigger and knows he's the domaint one so he doesn't course any problems. However my other pig is desperately trying to me the domaint pig. All he does is follow the the other around the cage...
  19. Keiko The Pig

    Dominance Or Fighting?

    okay so I recently adopted a rescue pig as a companion for my brown aby who's now hitting the dreadful teenage hormones and i can see his little boy parts starting to descend! Recently there's been a bit of mounting from him (there never was before) and they do these scary little..not sure what...
  20. iamsnape

    Boar Behaviour - Chattering And Walking Away

    Hi all, Been a long time since I have been on the forum but I was hoping for an opinion please :) one of my lovely boys unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge a little over a month ago. We were all very sad but concerned about his cage mate who had never been alone. After allowing him time to...