
  1. Strawb

    Post Op

    Hey guys, I'm absolutely devastated my baby boy Sonic passed away early hours after an intense two weeks. Just for peace of mind has anyone had previous experience where their pig hasn't recovered from an op? After reading threads online I feel like more could have been done to avoid this...
  2. Monty the Grey

    Not Malocclusion But Refusing To Eat, Dropping Food, Drooling And Diarrhea

    Hi, my girlfriend and I are rather desperate with our 2.5-year-old Monty, who's been feeling unwell for the past 2-3 months. Right now he's only eating very little (having lost almost 100g in the past week), we have to force-feed him instant hay (RodiCare) and hand-feed him vegetables and fruit...
  3. CarnivalPiggy

    Possibly Lice

    I have found small brown things on the three piggies this morning. I'm pretty worried as they seem to be quite large. I'll post pictures in a minute.
  4. P

    Two Pigs With Diarrhoea Dying Suddenly

    About five weeks ago I got my children got two gineau pigs. After about two weeks one of the pigs died very suddenly. It had been healthy and lively the night before. In the morning it had diarrhoea but still acting normally so we made an appt for the vet in the afternoon. By lunchtime it was...