
  1. KirstyGP

    Struggling with loss and guilt.

    Hi, it’s my first time posting here although I’ve been reading posts on the forum for a while and have found all the existing guidance around receiving a terminal diagnosis and caring for a piggy at the end of their life etc invaluable so thank you. We had two boars, Bramble and Butterbean aged...
  2. Charlottibiscot

    Help with piggy with cow pat diarrhea - am I doing the right things?

    My 4.5 year old sow, Mabel, has had diarrhea on and off for the last two weeks and is also limping a bit on her back legs (possibly from having poop stuck to them?). ⭐ Scroll down to the bottom for my plan of action and let me know if you think I'm doing the right things or if there's anything...
  3. A

    Diarrhoea but still eating/drinking?

    Hi, firstly apologies for the long post! I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a guinea pig that has ongoing diarrhoea but is otherwise still healthy (from what the vet can tell) Around 2 months ago I took my male GP to the vets due to soft poo. During the consultation they noted...
  4. Kirstones

    Tooth root abscess and dental surgery, help!

    I’m posting on here for a bit of advice, as well as to inform others of a very specific problem I’ve been having with one of my piggies. (Skip to the end for my current situation!) I have a 4 year old guinea pig called Mavis who lives with two others, two months ago (on her 4th birthday) she...
  5. VivienOblivion

    URGENT: Questions about diarrhoea

    Hi everyone! First of all, Merry Christmas 😊 On Wednesday last week, I noticed that my guinea pig Bebita (6 years old female) had been doing half-sneezes occasionally, accompanied by some weight loss and a little bit of blood found in one of her nostrils. I took her to the vet, and...
  6. P

    Help! 4 months of Diarrhoea!

    Hi. We have had our new pig since August. We got him at 1yr old from a rescue as a friend for our lone boar when his cage mate passed away. Since having him hes never had a normal poop. At first we thought it was stress of new environment but when it didn’t settle we took him to the vet who...
  7. R

    Worming advice

    Hi, my guinea pig Gretchen has worms. We had been to the vet 5 times over the past 6 months trying to get a diagnosis from her losing weight, having diarrhoea but also being ravenously hungry and otherwise behaving normally, glossy coat, bright eyes, running around being completely herself, to...
  8. Xmolxlie

    Diarrhoea and wheeking when going to the toilet

    Hi everyone! My guinea pig Kovu has been undergoing treatment for a UTI, she’s been on loxicom and cystophan for a few weeks now, had to cancel my vet follow up visit Saturday as I’d come down with a cold, and with the current pandemic didn’t want to risk making anyone sick, and Kovu has been...
  9. ceciliaxdee

    Spayed sow guinea pig intermittent bleeding

    Hello all, hoping someone can offer advice or experiences with this situation. I have a 1.5 year old female guinea pig who had fresh blood coming from her vagina/anus/bottom area early May. I took her to two different exotic vets for opinions and they ruled out UTI or stones. We had her spayed...
  10. L

    Continuing diarrhoea

    I’ll apologise in advance for this long rambling typist but things are complicated and I felt people needed the back story....... I would welcome any medical suggestions re my ongoing issues with Bella one of my guinea pigs. My exotic vet has been over seeing this whole process. I’m due to see...
  11. Hnrpiggies

    Diarrhoea type poop in 2y/o sow pictures attached

    Hi, I’m really scared right now, never had an issue quite like this. my Guinea pig Blondie has either poo, or brown mucus coming out of her anus. There’s also been some blood but I don’t know if I caused that by wiping her and trying to open her genital area up to see what was happening..it’s...
  12. Natashaaaaa

    UTI/bladder stones?

    Hi all, we recently lost one of my guinea pigs very suddenly (Cinna). We still have her two beautiful sisters (Butterscotch and Humbug) however Butterscotch has fallen very ill during and since her sisters passing. We noticed mucus on her bum to begin with, but it was rarely there so of course...
  13. G

    Specialist Colitis and kidney failure after fly strike

    Hi, I posted before about needing a new friend for our younger boar, Buzz, and that George had rejected Buzz after an operation for flystrike. So, almost as soon as George finished his baytril he started to eat less and then got very watery diarrhoea. We booked him in for an emergency...
  14. S

    Please help me, I’m going round the bend

    My guineapig Biscuit was diagnosed by the vet with an infection, prescribed us Loxicom anti inflammatory (0.4ml every 12 hours) and Baytril antibiotics (0.5ml once a day). We did around 7 days course of this, she stopped eating. Obviously, we took her back to the vets and they have given us...
  15. M

    Soft, smelly poops after death of cagemate?

    Until recently I had two guinea pig extremely bonded boars housed together, though last weekend one of them suddenly fell ill. He lost a lot of weight very quickly, was hot to touch, making pained noises, and occasionally gasping in pain. We rushed him to the vet, and were given an extensive...
  16. Briggy

    Hello and advice please on new baby with the runs :-(

    Hi I wish my first thread on here was more cheery but could do with some advice please. We got new babies on Tuesday afternoon (approx 9 weeks), one is a lot more confident & seems to have taken to life with us quicker. So much so he’s been gobbling up food and to be honest I think I’ve...
  17. K

    Emeprid after Baytril overdose. Causing diarrhoea?

    Hi there. I’m hoping to get some advice about my little boy, Milo. Milo was taken to the vet 2 Sunday’s ago after I noticed a sniffle and loss of appetite. The vet diagnosed him with a chest infection and he was prescribed Baytril. 2.5% oral solution 100ml to be given 1ml twice daily. I was...
  18. A

    Post pregnancy prolapse. Please help

    My beautiful ginny has just had 2 stillborns about 5 days ago and has now developed prolapse. About 4-6 days before giving birth she began having diarrhoea. I put her on a hay based diet in hopes it would help to solidify her poops but sadly nothing has worked and she has now prolapsed. Ive...
  19. court29x

    Poorly Piggy :(

    I haven't been on the forum for a while! I've been very busy after the arrival of my newborn niece and college work, however I am writing in a time of need and worry as my little Beansprout is not well. As I came upstairs for my shower and I walked into my room, the only piggy to greet me at the...
  20. Chloelizbailey

    Cowpat Poops?! - Please Help

    Hi there! I have a long haired guinea pig who is about four and a half. He started a course of Baytril last Wednesday for a suspected URI and has been absolutely fine until this morning. I got him out to weigh him (doing this every morning as he is on Baytril and I know it can affect the...