
  1. Kaipo Cavia

    Medication Contraindications

    Hello, I have a pig whom I believe has a dental problem brewing. She's had her teeth checked but was given the all clear. She has another appt booked in for Mon to get a second opinion. She's showing me signs that her mouth is giving her discomfort. She is on a combination of meds currently...
  2. Beans&Toast

    Does This Require Urgent Vets Today?

    I'm away for work today so my Mum is looking after the pigs but something is wrong with Toast so I'd appreciate any help. Okay long story short (sort of) as of Friday morning Toast hasn't been herself. (She's had on/off dental problems and bloat problems for the 2 years I've had her).She was...
  3. G

    Eating Issues - Possible Dental

    Hi, our guinea pig started having some eating difficulties around the start of June, just eating slowly and opening her mouth wide, almost looking like she was yawning and clearly having something irritating her in her mouth. We took her to the vet, who advised us that it was likely her back...
  4. L

    Feeding Help Needed After Dental Surgery!

    Hello. I'm after some advice after my boar guinea pig had dental surgery this Tuesday. He had lost weight and stopped eating due to overgrown front teeth and molars. Plus he had cracked one of the bottom teeth. He went under a GA and pulled through the surgery. He has been syringe fed since then...
  5. Carrotyd

    Advice On Making Guinea Pig Teeth Exams Easier For The Vet

    My 8-month-old piggy, Seabass, is giving us cause for concern at the moment, as - over the last month or so - he's become increasingly fussy about what he'll eat,and is slowly shunning everything we give him. It started with him sniffing round the veggies most morning/evenings, before ignoring...
  6. Bella123

    Orchard Grass Hay Question

    Since I got my guinea pigs I have been feeding them Timothy hay. I recently bought a very small bale of oxbow orchard grass for a change and it was very popular. I like the Orchard grass as apparantly so I read it has a lower calcium content then most hays and its much softer then timothy...
  7. PiggyRitz

    Concerned About Piggy After Dental And Foot Surgery

    Hi all, I'm just after some thoughts regarding Guzzie (our un-neutered boar) and a few problems he's been grappling with recently. He lives with his brother Guinness, another un-neutered boar. They're almost five years old. A couple of months back I was trimming their claws and having just done...
  8. Beans&Toast

    Toast Needs Yet Another Dental Op.

    Toast is booked in for Thursday to have her teeth done again, but I don't know if it's the right thing to go ahead with it. This will be the 5th time in just over a year and the 2nd time in the space of 3 months. She has almost constant bloat which seems to be causing dental issues. Or maybe...
  9. cheeseandpeas

    Dental Dental Surgery

    Hi I have a four year old pig (Broccoliese) who I rescued two years ago from an owner who didn't care for or feed him properly, he had mites and poorly formed feet but has gone on to do really well with us. I took him to the vet today with A sore area under his chin, the vet asked if he...
  10. S

    Post Dental Work Recovery Time

    First post, apologies if I did anything wrong, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice to give in regards to recovery after being under with isoflurane. My boar, Moose, who is 6 years old, was taken in last Wednesday with overgrown molars. He lost a good deal of weight, as he was under the...
  11. Louiseblack2

    How Do I Get My Pig Eating More Hay

    We had an issue with overgrown molars with my other piggie and the vet highly advised we have to ensure atleast 80% of our pigs diet was hay. We always make sure he has a large amount of hay and half a bowl pf biscuits every morning and he gets a veggie treat every sunday. But were having an...
  12. caseypig

    Guinea Pig Gas - Help Please

    Hello! I've been lurking on this forum for a while and would very much appreciate some advice. My 3yr old boar has been having teeth problems recently, but has been on the mend since seeing Simon the vet in Northampton. He's been on a strong antibiotic for a month, finished yesterday, plus .25...
  13. Mother Hubbard

    Mars Dental Update & Not Eating

    So a little while ago, it started off that all my pigs just stopped eating their pellets overnight. I changed their pellets, have given them 2 types of pellets and now that Bunny Dream basic has arrived, they have 3 choices, plus 3 choices of hay and appear to be eating better. Mars however...
  14. Elgifu321

    Steroid Injection To Help Weight Gain? Also Anesthetic For Dental?

    Ive posted before about Oswyn (said: Oz-win) my 4 yo piggy. Hes having issues with his teeth- or at least suspected issues inc drooling and severe weight loss and my usual vet didn't seem very confident so I switched vets to one recommended on here.. I went to rose cottage vets in Runcorn today...
  15. caitlynn

    Having Trouble Getting Piggy To Eat

    Hi there. My poor pig, Khaleesi, just got her front incisors and back molars trimmed by a vet, who I was told is experienced with this procedure, on Thursday (four days ago). Her molars were overgrown and were causing tongue entrapment and the vet who did the procedure on her told me that they...
  16. Chloe B

    Please Help, Piggie Not Eating Properly, Dental Issue?

    Hello. Can anybody help advise please? My latest issue is I have just got back from holiday and I noticed this morning that one of my piggies wasn't eating much veg, particularly the harder bits like pepper. I put it down to them being out of routine. This evening I hand fed them in their...
  17. LaurenSeal23

    Teeth And Eating Issues

    I'm really hoping someone can help with this. My little Bentley has been losing weight quickly over the last week or so. I thought it was because we had introduced a new pair of piggies and he was just acting up. Checked his teeth the other day and one was chipped and the other looked way to...
  18. PiggyOinkOink

    Poor Benji Has Dental/abscess Issues :( ...please Check Your Piggies Teeth Regularly As Standard!

    I noticed that one cage had slighly lose stools for months but I thought it was Rebecca and took her to the vet to find it was a UTI. I separated her from her cage mate, Benji, for 3 days to see who was doing the stools but they both seemed normal so I put them back. The loose stools came back...
  19. TheWheekies

    Chip Broke His Teeth!

    Hi, I'd like to send you to my new blog and my latest post about how Chip broke his teeth and how I'm dealing with it! Please give feedback and if you have any tips, feel free to share either in the comments here or on my blog.
  20. LydiaMinx

    Cloudy Eye After Long Treated Hay-poke And Recent Dental Trouble

    Hey guys, me again! Hopefully I can take a break from posting in this section of the forum soon :bye: So Badger, as detailed in a separate thread, has had dental issues this week. I think I managed to get it under wraps pretty quickly, first noticed he was under the weather on Friday night, he...