
  1. peaches384

    CT Scan after Dental Surgery

    I need some help understanding what options I have with my guinea pig. She's 3 years old and she had dental surgery on Monday to burr down minor teeth issues. She has since not started eating (now Friday). She has been having critical care every 4 hours. She's had extra ketabel and gut...
  2. M

    poorly senior pig - please help

    I am hoping someone can help. i have an 8 and a half year old piggie who until very recently was very healthy. in two weeks his weight has dropped 200g and he weighs around 700g. in june he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection causing a crusty/weepy eye which periodically gets...
  3. Puddles1999

    Heart & dental issues

    Penelope has had dental issues for the last few years. They usually start up once/twice a year and then she’ll be good for a while. The beginning of this year, she had fluid in her abdomen and the vet heard a tiny heart murmur and a slightly enlarged heart. Since then, she’s on Vetmedin twice...
  4. J

    Molar infection + removal?

    Crowdsourcing info. Most posts I've seen here (and elsewhere) have been about tooth/molar trimming or have posed molar extraction questions with no clear answers. Our pig has an infected upper molar. It's causing nasal inflammation. Currently treating with meloxicam and an antibiotic. We've been...
  5. Franny_in_Wheekland

    Recommended North West vets for teeth burring

    Hi all, I’m after your help please! 😊 I posted a few months ago, my little girl Ori was very unwell with dental issues. We have been seeing Simon & Kim at Cat & Rabbit clinic in Northampton. We had a check up today, and Simon has recommended she needs her top incisors burring every 3 weeks...
  6. J

    Tooth root has grown out through the bottom of the jaw.

    Hello, this is going to sound really bad and like a ‘please help the sweet baby cross the rainbow bridge right away’ scenario. However, miraculously she has been doing ‘great’ and appears to be enjoying life - just wanted to start off on that note. The main question I have ***** is it...
  7. kxitlynx

    dental issues

    hi, my guinea pig Bojack (4 years old) had a dental done on his teeth yesterday, as he had some bad spurs preventing him from eating, also dribbling etc. he seems no better this morning (24 hours passed), he's hardly eating and not himself still yet, he's still dribbling, i'm syringe feeding him...
  8. Nifen

    Anesthesia Concerns in a Sick/Weak Guinea Pig

    Hello! My piggie momo was sick for about a month with an infection. He had to be force-fed for that month. The vet thinks the infection has now cleared. However, he's still not eating fully on his own and is having issues swallowing/coughing up food. He wants to eat as he's often picking at...
  9. Puddles1999

    Lost both bottom incisors

    Hi everyone. So a few weeks ago penelope had broke her top left incisor. Didn’t really cause any issues, had the opposing one filed as it grew a bit long and that was it. It grew back in just fine. A week or 2 later, she breaks off her top right incisor. Same thing. Ended up being fine. I...
  10. Y

    Dental Dental disease: tooth removal, now an abscess. Is there anything we could have/ can do better?

    Hi everyone. This site has helped my partner and I navigate health issues for two different pigs over the last two years with dental disease. I just wanted to express my sincere and profound gratitude for everyone here, because you all have helped us so much. Today, I took Chia in for a...
  11. A

    Not eating hay even after dental surgery!

    Hi! My 7.5 y/o guin pig Nut has been refusing to eat hay for a while - while having a monster appetite for anything that isn't hay (pellets, veg, critical care, joint supplements I feed him). After a visit to the vet we found out that he has overgrown molars trapping his tongue, and today he...
  12. D

    Squinting eyes

    Hello, just wanted to write on here to see if anyone else has dealt with the similar. I have 3 little sisters, only 15 weeks old. Petal has been squinting her eyes (quite badly at some points) when eating. We went to the vets on Wednesday and the vet checked inside her mouth, eyes and listened...
  13. Qualcast&Flymo

    Wet chin

    As some may recall, old boy Squeaks has had dental problems for the last 18 months. According to Kim and Simon Maddock, the issue is inflammation at the base of the lower incisors and now also macrodontia. His lower incisors are growing thicker and faster than normal, so he as to have them...
  14. C

    Elderly pig needs a dental procedure

    Hi, I have a 7 year old boar who needs a dental procedure. He chipped his tooth in March and our cavy savvy vet recommended that we wait and see how it grew back as my guinea pig was eating, drinking, pottying, and acting normally. It initially grew back fine and he didn't lose any weight or...
  15. Hollyanna

    Dental Guinea pig not eating despite dental treatment

    My Guinea Pig, Frank, is still not eating food by himself despite having two lots of teeth trimming. Last week I noticed he wasn't eating any if his vegetables so I took him to my vets. She looked in his mouth to see he has overgrown molars so he went back in the next day to have them trimmed...
  16. lauryn1289

    How to identify dental problems?

    I’m so so so sorry for yet another post and this being so long 😭 I just didn’t want to keep spamming the post I made yesterday because it’s possibly not relevant anymore. You all are a lot more experienced than me and knowing what to say to my vet is invaluable. So long story short yesterday my...
  17. Jloveslife22

    Ongoing dental issues many surgeries done. Roots? Mandibular?

    Hi everyone, My name is Jess I'm from Brisbane, Queensland Australia and have such an unusual case I felt sharing the story here may be worthwhile incase someone has answers. I've hunted google many times and keep landing on posts here with answers. Will try do a brief summary keep it super...
  18. basicpiggies

    Weird Chewing

    Hi everyone, Last night, I noticed two of my guinea pigs chewing in a very exaggerated form. Lips pulled back and their ears moving back as they’re chewing sometimes. At first, I thought it was something stuck in their mouths. Today, they’re still doing it. One more than the other. One of them...
  19. Phoenix1998

    Making the right call for jaw problems

    Hi, One of my girls has been having some issues with her jaw for a while now. She developed an abscess just before Christmas in her right cheek. We treated with antibiotics, draining and flushing it. That cleared up well and she was fine again. She never really stopped eating, just slowed down...
  20. P

    Dental Repeated dentals, but still can't eat on his own

    Since April 2021, we've been proud pigparents to two brothers from a local pet sanctuary. We think they were about a year old when they popcorned into our lives, although maybe a bit younger (since they grew from ~1000g to 1200g each). Stein took on the job of being the boss, rumble strutting...