
  1. cheysnickbutter

    Guinea pig died - Feeling guilty

    Today I woke up to my 7 year old guinea pig Snickers being dead, and it has been absolutely heartbreaking. He was my first guinea pig, and I have had him since he was about six weeks old; August 11th would have been our 7 year anniversary together. I just can't help but feel guilty about my...
  2. DanielleParkes

    Pig Died, One Left Behind

    i had two guinea pigs, not particularly old (around 2 years, just under) and 2 days ago found one of the boys dead. The day before he seemed perfectly happy and healthy, so I have no idea what happened. I now have one left, (his cage mate) who seems healthy and is eating and drinking fine since...
  3. G

    Guinea Pig Mourning

    Yesterday sadly one of my two guinea pigs passed away due to old age. Our one is now lonely and we are looking to give her to one of our friends who have guinea pigs so that she can have company. But until then, are there any tips to help her with loneliness? it may take some time to find her a...
  4. S

    Death And Lonely Pig

    I don't think I'm quite in the right category, I've never posted in anything like this before, I couldn't find a catagorey that quite fit. I just need to tell someone what happened and get some advice for my other pig. I'm sorry that this will be so long. My guinea pig Pumba died on Saturday. He...
  5. S

    New Cagemate After Sudden Death?

    I hate to have my first post here be so depressing, but I'm not sure what to do right now. I had 2 guinea pigs, Einstein and Snickers. Snickers was adopted at 7 weeks from a local rescue as a new cagemate for Einstein, whos last cagemate, Mr. Cuddles, died suddenly due to a stroke. Today...
  6. lucyjane123

    My Guinea Pig Died So Young

    So earlier my guinea pig George aged 3 died suddenly. He was absolutely fine yesterday until this morning when he refused to eat. We booked him a vets appointment for later as my mum was at work all day. I came downstairs to hearing him making a wheezing noise as well as howling and hiding away...
  7. Taylor S

    Lethargic Guinea Pigs & Death..

    Hello, I've tried browsing the forums but I couldn't find what I needed so here goes.. So in the summer this year (August) I rescued some guinea pigs, 5 months of age, supposedly 3 females.. Well, my two sow guinea pigs recently had pups (over a month ago in October). The boar is now...
  8. xkellyrose11x

    Cage Mate After Death?

    My Guinea Pig has recently died and now her cage mate is all alone. I have two male Guinea Pigs in a separate cage, and the now single female in a rabbit hutch. She is two years old. I know Guinea Pigs should be in groups. Should I get a new cage mate for the female, and if so how old? (Planning...
  9. Sporgan

    Unexpected Death Of A Young Boar, Do I Need To Get Another Playmate For His Brother?

    Over the weekend a tragic accident resulted in the very tough decision to have one of my fur babies put to sleep to end his suffering. The whole day was very emotional, unusual and difficult for me but also for my other guinea pig - his brother and cage mate of 2 years. I have been monitoring...
  10. J


    Hi everyone, I have had 4 guinea pigs in total, I started with Knabbel & Babbel. Babbel died because of cancer after she had an operation. So I bought Pip to keep Knabbel company. But Knabbel died in a mysterious way. One morning, I noticed that she didn't come to me and just stayed lying in...
  11. TheLottiediarys

    I Think Bear Might Be Depressed?

    Bear is my Neutered Male. He used to live with three females in a herd, Sadly this year we suddenly lost two of the girls a few weeks apart. He still lives with Lottie, but recently this past week or so I've noticed he doesn't seem himself, He's not lost weight and he is still eating and...
  12. J

    Old Guinea Is Dead, Left Her Friend, Help?

    Hello! I had two perky pigs who I really loved, and unfortunately the oldest (a beautiful brown mutt) died today, to what i could only say is old age. She left her hutchmate here alone, and I am not really looking to buy more guineas. Right now I am only in highschool, and would like the pig...
  13. Annie Robbins

    Baby Guinea Pig Passing Away.. Possible Diagnosis?

    Hello everyone, My best friend's 2 month old female guinea pig passed away today. He told be that she was acting normal yesterday, and this evening her found her dead. There was nothing toxic in or around the cage. He was feeding her the vet recommended food and hay. He has only had...
  14. ginniexcarolina

    Piggie Left Alone :(

    Hi all I'm in need of some advice.. Last night our Ginnie died through the night she had been sick for a while back and forth to the vets with nothing helping her she just got worse and we nursed her until she finally passed away at around midnight I'm so heart broken over it and still very...
  15. Jesse's pigs

    Friend Query

    So this isn't about me and my piggy Mo- thank God as it's pretty scary- but my friend has had a terrible turn of events. She messaged me yesterday explaining how one of her sows had something coming out of her mouth and died in her arms. I'm guessing it was a liquid/foam but I'm not sure as I'm...
  16. G

    Guinea Pig Died, New Friend For His Brother?

    at the end of christmas break one of my guinea pigs suddenly died :( its taken a few weeks for me to process and move past it but I'm mostly okay now. my guinea pig is named haytham (like the assassin’s creed character!) and he and his brother have been together for all their lives (3 years!)...
  17. J

    What Is Doodles Dying Of? What Can I Do? If I Can't Do Anything, How Can I Help Her Pass Peacefully?

    My guinea pig, Doodles, is dying. I am by no means an expert, but I take care of her and she gets all the things she needs. She is 7 years old, and I'm 90% sure that's the culprit. However, if it isn't, and there's something I can do, I want to do everything I can to make her life longer. If I...
  18. A

    2 Out Of 4 Pigs Died In The Last Two!

    Back in the beginning of November I got 4 guinea pigs. One was from someone off of Craigslist, his name was Sammy. I got 3 others from a rescue, their names were Bram, Candy Corn, and Mr. Clean. All males. Within the first week and a half, Sammy died. We later learned that Sammy wasn't 2 years...
  19. izzyyw

    Piggy Suddenly Passed Away

    I'm devastated over the loss of one of my piggies, I had three boys (Snoopy, Pippin and Fudge) who live indoors and this morning we found that Fudge had passed away. I've been away from home this weekend but when I spent time with them on Friday they were all fine and eating their daily...
  20. E_Blackaby

    Lone Guinea Pig Sister

    Hi, I am really devastated as one of my Guinea pigs died last night she was sister to my surviving piggy. I love them so much and I am incredibly worried about my lone Guinea pig (Elsa) and how she will cope. I have had Guinea pigs before but when one of the sister died that time they were both...