
  1. elecl

    I failed at taking care of Timmie, she peacefully passed on april 19.

    Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my post. In October 2019, we adopted 2 incredible guinea pigs. One of them was called Timmie and she was always so energetic, she was so so so adorable, always happy and very very excited for food. Around april 11, I noticed that Tim's butt was very...
  2. Cryptillian

    I miss them so much

    I lost all 4 of my seniors within the past year, ages 6-8. I am losing my grandma and one of our dogs has a huge tumor on her throat, cancer is most likely taking everything from me this year. I just wanted to say with our dogs, they are both seniors and disabled and the female was rescued from...
  3. B

    Pet bereavement

    Hi, I'm a researcher at Bolton University (UK) and I'm currently conducting some research about the impact of the death of a pet. If you are happy to share your experiences, we'd love to hear from you. We're looking from responses from anyone over 12 years old, living in the UK, who has...
  4. U

    I Don’t Understand

    This is my first post and I’m unsure what to say. My first guinea pig died suddenly today and I feel horrible and don’t understand. My piggy was young-presumably only around 3 years old (I got her from somebody who couldn’t care for her anymore-it was their child’s pet and they didn’t realize...
  5. M

    Dying guinea pig, don't know what to do?

    I had one of my guinea-pigs die last year at 7 years old. My current one panda was going on really strong and really enjoying life until the last couple days, he was still happy and interested in everything but I could tell he was losing his balance and starting to fall over. This morning I woke...
  6. R


    Hi, this is my first time posting so apologies in advance if I'm not as quick as others. I'll give you an intro before getting to the issue Early 2013 So 10 years ago, (I was 10) I bought 2 female guinea pigs from the most popular pet shop in the UK. (I'll call them P & T) I had a simple cage...
  7. Lunapxggies

    tumor maybe?

    My 3 year old pig passed last night with absolutely no signs of sickness her weight was fluctuating but nothing insane she wasn’t losing or gaining very fast, i was told it was normal and just because of the weather changes. I’m terrifed she had some sickness that will take my other pigs...
  8. Wetherill


    I posted the other day about my sweet angel Lionel being euthanized this coming Monday. Unfortunately, I found my sweet baby after he had passed peacefully in the night early this morning. He was laying snuggled up beside his hay rack—I hope he was comfortable, with a full belly, and felt safe...
  9. gonebanhannahs

    Sudden death of young piggy

    My heart is broken this morning. I don't know what I did wrong, or what went wrong, but our little girl died yesterday very suddenly. My daughter asked to hold her in the morning and I went to get her and she was like a limp noodle in my hand. Her one nostril was blocked and I wiped it with a...
  10. jesse1234

    Sudden and confusing pig loss

    So, first of hello everybody, I haven't been here in a while! Hope everybody has been good in this lovely space. This morning, my sister messaged me to say one of the guinea pigs had died overnight. We really don't understand what happened. They're well cared for, not to be pretentious but it's...
  11. 4

    Pretty sure it's cancer

    one of my guinea pigs that is four years and eight months old has cancer i believe. her chest appears to be swelling and feels like it is and she also has labored breathing. she has multiple lumps around her body which i thought were benign but i guess not. if you're wondering why i didn't go to...
  12. M

    Death of next door companion guinea pig

    Hello, I had to take the difficult decision to put my guinea pig Mucho to sleep yesterday. His health severely deteriorated in just 24h, he had no previous health issues. He was only a year and a half old, so very unexpected, and brought back the trauma of losing my first guinea pig when I was...
  13. M

    What to do with a newly lone piggie

    After 6 years of looking after them both, one of my guinea pigs died yesterday morning. I still havent really processed it and I just have a general awful feeling of loss but I really dont know what I can do for my remaining piggie, Panda. He's also 6 years old and quite aggressive (it took...
  14. CinnamonSwirl

    Sudden Guinea Pig Death, Please help! :(

    Sudden guinea pig death, I need to solve a sad mystery! :// I didn’t know whether to put this in the bereavement section or this section, but it was more about my guinea pigs health, So recently I have been having trouble with my money and i’ll have to admit i wasn’t giving them their full...
  15. honeydew_eden

    Guinea pig throw up?

    I left on a trip to another state and left my brother to take care of my guinea pigs. Before leaving my guinea was losing her hair at a drastic rate and i thought it was barbering so i set an appointment with the vet for when i come back. I come back around 1:20 am and my guinea pig is laying on...
  16. Tdz

    I am beside myself…

    My sweet Willa was a rescue. She was fierce, she was smart, she was tough, she was relentless, she was opinionated, she was a survivor, she was beautiful, she was blind (by injury), deaf (I’m not sure why), mute (could only make a barely audible chirp) and was my heart and soul. I would watch...
  17. Sammoo101

    A Mourning Boar

    Last week I lost one of my guinea pigs very suddenly. He left behind 2 cage mates one 4 years old named Brownie and that was with S'more(my g pig that passed) for his entire life and another guinea pig(Puddin) and he is just under a year. Their reaction has been worrying me. Brownie has...
  18. G

    9 month old guinea pig passed, vet had no answers

    this past tuesday, a guinea pig i took in from a neglect situation passed away. she was very clearly sick when i got her at around 4 months old - had been fed only pellets, literally sitting in her own pee, being kept in a hamster cage, chunk ripped out of her ear, visibly underdeveloped and...
  19. Thrymskvida

    Another victim of Convenia?

    My guinea pig was given Convenia. Her symptoms before the injection weren't severe, but she died a few days afterwards after extremely rapid deterioration. Here is the story leading up to it. In December, Gwynedd became ill. Symptoms were: 1. Fur puffed up sometimes. 2. Facing the corner...
  20. C.Courtney0310

    Eevee <3

    Hi everyone I just went to a vet an hour away for 6 hours and with a bill of $450 just to find one of my guinea pigs, Eevee, passed away. I don't know what to do. I'm letting Pandora see her right now but she seems to be scared. I've only had them both since September and it seems like she...