
  1. Keiko The Pig

    Lap Time Cuteness

    Here's Keiko and Milo sharing the same chew stick! For once without it breaking out into tug of war
  2. Beans&Toast

    The Pigs Are Redecorating

    Bought a new carrot house for the pigs 3 days ago. Apparently they weren't happy with the look of this new house so they've set to work stripping the wall paper and making an open plan roof.. Toast inspecting the roof... "This roof would definitely look better with a big hole right...
  3. kitkat1

    Bar Chewing?

    So recently my pigs have been chewing their cage bars when I walk into to the room. They only do this because they are hungry and want my attention, (I am positive because they don't do it when I'm not in the room. It's not because of boredom. When I turn off the light they instantly stop) but I...