
  1. ChloeCee98

    Timid Guinea Pig Or Just Not Settled Yet?

    So I got my little guinea pig a few days before Christmas, (12-14 weeks old). I picked her in the shop because she didn't run away when we went to say hello - now I know she was freezing lol! She has come out of her shell a lot although she still does hide away most of the time and has to be...
  2. bumbling-bambi

    Best Brushes For My Bushy Boars!

    Hi everyone I'm in need of a little advice - I have two very long haired boys (one is a Silkie and the other a Texel) they are both bathed once a month as they both get a little bit smelly thanks to all that hair! They are also brushed daily to try and avoid mattes! My texel in particular is...
  3. M

    Please Help! My Guinea Pig Is Starving Himself To Death!

    About a week ago my male Guinea pig died and his bonded brother has been grieving ever since then. He has stayed inside his hut for the past week and hasn't come out even to get food or water. I'm afraid his time is coming to an end because he is practically starving himself to death. I would...
  4. coco&chanel

    Fleece Care

    Hi I have ordered some fleece which should be coming this week. It is for an outdoor hutch. I was just wondering if anyone had any helpful tips about looking after fleece.. Best temperature to wash it at, what to wash it in, how often etc. Will i have to look after it differently as it is...
  5. Beans&Toast

    Embarrassed Myself In P@h

    I feel so stupid now. I was in Pets at Home getting nuggets for the pigs and I always have a little look at the animals in the adoption centre. There was a beautiful rabbit called Ollie, not sure what type of rabbit but he was absolutely huge, and only about 2. I asked a member of staff how...
  6. Piggiekisses

    Human Products For Piggies?

    Hi there, I've heard that there are some human products that are safe on piggies, and I wanted to know which ones they are and what it's used for. I am starting a first aid kit for my piggy and am wondering what kind of creams or ointments are safe for a skinny pig, in case of a scratch or...
  7. G

    Is My Guinea Pig Eating Too Much?

    I have a problem... I give my piggie hay worth a day and he finishes it in 30 minutes. Then, he cries out for more food. Please help me, I am worried I might give him too much food. I don't want to overweigh him. My mom says he's fine, but still I am worried. :(
  8. R

    Guinea Pig Health Survey

    Hi everyone! I hope this post is ok... As part of my final year research project for my degree, I am doing a survey of UK guinea pig owners on knowledge and attitudes about health and welfare. It's a short survey of 13 questions, mostly multiple choice and only takes 5 minutes (if that) to...
  9. H

    Pet Sitting For A Month

    Hi! My friend dropped off her baby guinea pig today. I thought id be taking care of it for a week, turns out hes staying with me for a month. Are there any tips i should know? She gave me the basics on food and care but Id like some more tips. I also noticed some sores on one of his ears and I'm...
  10. GoodnessGuineas

    Goodness Guineas

    Hi all, I have recently set up a blog all about care of guinea pigs, I'd really appreciate if anyone was interested in visiting it. I post a new blog ever Friday which topics can be suggested by vistors of the blog! It's only in it's early stages but I hope it will be informative and helpful...
  11. WinnieandBear

    Did Anyone Else See The Piggy On Bbc News?!?! Poor Things Nails?!

    Oh my god I am shocked by the guinea pig just shown on BBC News being cared for by a disabled gentleman its nails were over an inch long and literally SPIRALLED from clearly never being cut!? The poor thing I can't believe that was just aired without being picked up on! Poor thing I feel awful...