
  1. mackenzieluvslife

    stepping on eachother?

    hello! i’m not sure if i’m doing this right as this is my first post here:) i just got my two female piggies a few weeks ago. one black and brown named Mocha, and one White and Cream colores named Latte. i’m very confused with their behaviour. at first, i thought they got along great. they...
  2. P

    Preparing to bond boars. Advice needed.

    I’ve read Wiebke’s excellent thread on here about bonding piggies (thank you Wiebke) but have a couple of questions I hope members might help me with. Am preparing to bond our existing boar Steve ( 9 months, so a teenager) with new boy, 5 months). Steve’s buddy died very suddenly nearly 2 months...
  3. Opossum_fur

    Boar bonding advice

    Hey guys, in my last two threads I talked about how my guinea pig Hobbes has passed away. Calvin Was Hobbes cage mate and he was the dominant male while Hobbes was more of a chilled guy. I recently found somebody who can no longer care for their 7 month old guinea pig and I offered to take him...
  4. S

    Territorial over food?

    Hi, any help would be so appreciated. I have 2 females, Biscuit was adopted and is at least 2 years old (actual age unknown) and one new addition that we got 2 days ago, Piglet - she’s a baby. :love: We did an introduction and all was really smooth. Biscuit seemed to take Piglet under her wing...
  5. hrsrdr

    Should I get my piggy a sibling?

    I have a male guinea pig that's five years old. I'd really like to get him a friend, but I'm not sure if a male or female is better. I'm not looking to breed, so I'm a little skeptical on a female. Any advice for getting him a sibling?
  6. SydneySharkk

    Male Trio? Neutering? Male herds?

    So I’ve been talking to my friend who’s old classmate is trying to rehome their two male guinea pigs, for a few months now. They asked me several months ago (right after I got my two girls) and I was thinking about getting them but they never responded. Until like a week ago, and she told me...
  7. M

    Smelly boar

    I have a 3 year old boar (Dale) who's suddenly developed a bit of a whiff. A few weeks ago his cagemate from birth (Chip) died, and he was devestated. I had to syringe feed him critical care to get him to eat (which admittedly gave him cowpat stools), as he refused to eat by himself. He wasn't...
  8. G

    Bonding 3rd guinea pig

    Hi! I have 2 boars living in a 6ft*2ft c&c with an extra 2ft*2ft to make it an L shape (total 16 square ft). They’re both around 8 months old. Today in my local pet shop I saw they have a lone boar (looked small so about 2 months I’d assume) who I instantly fell in love with. I know it can be...
  9. blueredgreen

    Re-bonding after Cuy passing

    Hi all, my gorgeous Cuy boar (Chip) passed recently at just under 11 months - it was my first Guinea pig loss and it was only worsened by how short his life was. My main concern however, is my very dominant - now bereaved - boar Cookie. Today I am bonding him with Sundae, another boar who he...
  10. Kyubi0302

    Coffee chases fluffy around

    Hello there! I'm fairly new here and I have been concerned about my guinea pigs behaviour. We recently saved another guinea pig from pet smart, she came home with so many infections but she is fully recovered! Her name is Fluffy and she s very small, probably about 2 months. Originally I had 2...
  11. emmafoote

    Help with bonding!

    Until recently i had 2 male guinea pigs who had never got on (one was adopted after another passed away) i have tried floor time many times in a very large room and it’s always ended in a fight and sometimes injuries. One of the 2 (mixed colour Peruvian in the picture) was seeming very lonely so...
  12. mdissel

    Newly Bonded Guinea Pig Aggression

    I have two guinea pigs - Luna and Lily. Luna was born Feb 2017, and I adopted her Sept 2017 along with her sister. Her sister passed away in the middle of August, so after giving Luna time to grieve, I decided to try bonding her. I went to our local small animal shelter and found her a cagemate...
  13. Dystopoly

    Re-Bonding after same-cage separation?

    This might be a bit of a silly question, but I’ve been wondering whether or not you have to re-introduce two pigs (boars, in my case) on neutral territory with all the precautions of a complete re-bonding if you’ve simply had a couple see-through grids between them for a day or two? Would it be...
  14. Dystopoly

    Bonding Skinny Pig?

    So, I’ve had my skinny pig (Persephone) for about a month now, and she’s nice and settled in with no disruption to my males in the same room (but unable to see her.) I’ve been keeping an eye out for a while for any suitable adoption girls to be able to put with her, and one has JUST come up that...
  15. GeorgiaHarris

    Sow lunging during bonding

    I am currently bonding my 2 6 month old sows to my new 7 week old skinny pig. My one girl Ruby (grey Peruvian) seems to be getting on fine with her but my other girl Meg (texel) keeps lunging, chasing and nipping at her. They’ve been together for about an hour now and she’s still doing it. I...
  16. Wildbill_cookie

    Accidental babies & the future...

    Hi, As some of you might know my lovely female had 4 babies last monday! I have checked the genders very often and carefully and can confirm I definately have 2 males and 2 female pups. The plan at first was to keep one girl....this is easier said than done and we've fallen in love with them...
  17. NeidenX

    Introducing Guinea Pig!

    Hi! I'm new here, i adopted 2 guinea pigs, they're brothers and they're always been together, they get along pretty well and they have fun together, but like a week ago i adopted their father and the introduction was going pretty well they were even sharing the cage and everything without...
  18. R

    New Pups, Bonding, Food, and Behaviour.

    Intro First i'd like to state I owned my first guinea pigs for 7 years before they passed away a few months ago. However i had these guys when i was a lot younger and did things my way rather than doing lots of research. I'll break this post down into segments about my questions. 1) Early...
  19. S

    Is this normal...

    Hi! So ive only had my guinea pigs for about two weeks and I'm a bit worried about their recent behavior. Theyre both sows (tallulah and tabby) i got tallulah (whos quiet, shy, hidden away) two days before tabby(whos outgoing and adventurous), i did the “bath bonding” thing and cleaned EVERYTHING...
  20. G

    First Health Check!

    Hi! I’m a New Guinea pig owner! I have two wonderful boys: Patches (the older one) and Carmal (the younger one). I have the proper size cage so don’t worry. I’ve had them for a few weeks, and Patches will take veggies from me and let me pet him. Carmal on the other hand, will occasionally take...