bonding advice

  1. S

    Bonding - A couple of questions!

    Our 2.5 year old female guinea pig lost its mate a few weeks ago. We have bought a baby female and kept them in separate accommodation 4 days and swapped fleecy items during this time too. We didn't do the quarantine period because the older one was bereaved. I have a few questions: 1. Now we...
  2. A

    Boys and Girls together

    So I have a general question that I need help with. My wife and I have five bonded girls that have lived together for about a year. We just recently lost one of our girls, and we ended up getting a couple boys at the pet store. This was a mistake that the pet store sold us three boys that all...
  3. M

    Boar Bonding

    Hi there, I haven't owned piggies in a few years, and have never kept boys before. I recently got a 15 week old boar and then a bigger boar (the person who sold him to me claimed he was also 15 weeks but he seems a bit older to me) to live with him. They are still absolutely terrified of me, and...
  4. Alexandra West

    Bonding seperation?

    So a few days ago I upgraded the cage of my 3 year old pig and it is now big enough to host 2-3 pigs. I have 3 pigs and Finnian has been left by himself because he was not able to establish dominance and get along with the other two. Today, I tried again for the first time in over a year to get...
  5. hannahs26

    Adding a neut'd boar to pair of females?

    We are relatively new GP owners, having adopted 2 beautiful girls from our local rescue center nearly 6 months ago. We love them dearly, and they have become friendly and loving to us, with lots of cuddles and lap time each day. I've seen that another rescue center near us has got a neutered...
  6. T

    Our first piggie fight!

    Hello all! This might be a long one so apologize in advance! So on Saturday we introduced a mother and daughter pair that my boyfriend and I re-homed. We have 4 girls of our own, one of which is still new to the group and a baby. My boyfriend's roommate moved out so we were excited to have a...
  7. Guineatoes

    Needing help with bonding consisting of boars!

    I feel quite worried at the moment, and I always see very nice posts on this site with very useful information! but I didn’t really see anything helpful to my situation so I thought why not try this 🥺 One of the boars had to go away about a week after getting him. He was already introduced...
  8. peppermintSmoothie

    Questions about bonding with help from a rescue

    I'm in the process of finding a companion for my single piggie, male, neutered, 4(?) years old. I'm doing the bonding process with the rescues, I'm sure they will answer all my questions but I wanted to clarify a few things since most guides only talk about bonding them yourself at home. *...
  9. Opossum_fur

    Boar bonding advice

    Hey guys, in my last two threads I talked about how my guinea pig Hobbes has passed away. Calvin Was Hobbes cage mate and he was the dominant male while Hobbes was more of a chilled guy. I recently found somebody who can no longer care for their 7 month old guinea pig and I offered to take him...
  10. S

    Bonding and Bereavement

    I want to start this off by saying I used to own two guinea pigs, then four, then three. My first two guinea pigs were Rhona and Rosie - I got them at six months old, and they were both born with health problems. I knew they might not make it to last 4 years, but I had settled with that. I...
  11. Kyubi0302

    Coffee chases fluffy around

    Hello there! I'm fairly new here and I have been concerned about my guinea pigs behaviour. We recently saved another guinea pig from pet smart, she came home with so many infections but she is fully recovered! Her name is Fluffy and she s very small, probably about 2 months. Originally I had 2...
  12. P

    New female pig and old female pig fighting and strange behaviour

    Hi everyone, I am facing some problem with my female pigs, hoping you guys can help me out. I had a pink eyed white female guinea pig from more than one year and i felt she was getting sad and bored and depressed alone. Two days back, I got another female 1 year old, but smaller than my...
  13. A

    My Guinea Pig refuses friends

    Hi there 😄 new member here! So my reason for joining the forum is because I’m having an incredibly hard time bonding with my Pig! I got him from a pet store, where he was alone and I felt bad for him, so decided to take him home and give him as much love and attention as I possibly could...
  14. Anastasia_GPM.

    Should I be worried about my piggy?

    So, here's my story, and why I'm concerned. This is probably going to be long, so I totally understand if you stop reading here. haha I got my first guinea pig November 10th 2018. Just a few months ago. It took a lot of convincing to get my parents to agree, so we agreed on just getting one. I...
  15. CallMe_Blake

    Is this normal for newly bonding piggies?

    I have a 2 year old girl named Luna and yesterday I adopted another girl to replace Luna's cage mate that sadly passed last month. And some of Luna's behavior towards the new piggie has left me confused and slightly worried because I had never seen it before. Their first initial introduction...
  16. Adamandralph

    Introducing a third male guinea pig?

    Hello, long time lurker, first time poster here. I took on a guinea pig last year when house sitting for someone who kept him in bad conditions (due to lack of knowledge, not on purpose), his partner had recently died, so I adopted a second male guinea pig and introduced them eventually and...
  17. Toasty_Electron

    Bonding advice for my rescued guinea pig

    Just looking to get some advice on my current situation as I am very new to owning guinea pigs. I rescued a male guinea pig about a week ago. His situation was pretty grim - he was kept in a tiny cage with a filthy water bottle and nails so long they started to curl. He is around five years old...
  18. dannif_piggies

    Bonding Two Sow Pairs

    Hey everyone, so in the early new year, I am hoping to attempt the bonding of my two sow pairs, Honey and Willow joining with Lois and Laine. I have one successful previous experience, bonding baby Willow (then 13 weeks) with 6 year old Honey. Apart from this I have no other experience about...
  19. x3littlepiggies

    Settling in 3 piggies

    Hi everyone! New owner here :-) Myself and my partner welcomed 3 beautiful 6 week old female guinea pigs into our lives last Thursday (Tofu, Peanut, and Noodle). They have a large 4x2 enclosure with lots of places to hide, things to explore, and interesting chew items. Since they've arrived...
  20. SeaSalt_Vinegar

    Adding a Mate

    Hullo everyone! I currently have only one female piggie who is about five months old. I finally found another pig that I think would make a good mate, but I'm here to make sure. The new piggie is a one month old female. :luv: Would the age difference be hazardous to the little one? My current...