
  1. N

    Single Boar what to do?

    Hi! I’m a new piggie mom. I was looking for a class pet and found this male piggie. I got everything I needed for him and he’s got a nice setup. He is sweet and loves to be held. However, I decided to keep him home thinking he would get lonely overnight at the school. My issue is I know they a...
  2. T

    New boar pair - dominance behaviour

    Hi everyone 😊 Two days ago we adopted a boar pair who are a few months old in age, their names are Biscuit and Crumble ☺️. They have a cage bigger than 180x60cm, and I have placed two of everything in the cage - water bottles, food bowls, treats- to prevent any fighting over that. They also...
  3. P

    Any idea what this may be?

    Hi! My partner and I just had a weekend today and his mum piggy sat our boys. They were good as gold and we have a camera on them. We’ve come back today and taken them out for lap time and a check this evening and we’ve noticed this on his eye? We don’t think it’s hurting him as he’s letting us...
  4. P

    How often should two boars be getting veggies?

    At the moment my 2 boars get veggies in the morning and then hay for the rest of the day. Is this enough? I’m worried I’m not feeding them enough. When I first got them they were overweight so I had kept their food intake quite low to burn the food off and now they’re at a normal weight I just...
  5. Gilderoy

    Pairing adult boar with baby boar

    We just adopted a 2 year old Guinea pig boar 2 days ago for my son. I personally am committed to his ultimate care. I’ve had Guinea pigs in the past many years ago so I considered myself an experienced owner, however, I see that much has changed since the days of yesteryear and that I in fact...
  6. L

    Broken bond! Advice please

    Hi. So I have two pigs that I bought from a pet shop at 8 weeks old in June 2023. So I think they’re just coming up to about a year old. 2 days ago they had a BIG squabble which resulted in the quieter piggy being badly injured with a cut lip, and the other more confident piggy came out fine. I...
  7. D

    Happier alone?

    Hi all. 👋🏼 I posted previously about one of my boys nipping the other and drawing blood. They settled down immediately after that and all has been quiet, however I have been on super high alert watching their behaviour since then. It seems like dominant pig is using the sub pig’s bed as his...
  8. P

    My boys don’t want to play or have floor time

    So I’ve tried everything I feel like. Their cage is open 24/7 and even if I take them out they jump straight back in. They’re always in their hideys and taking them out is a battle in itself. I don’t know what to do because I know they need exercise and floor time but they just won’t take it...
  9. P

    Brothers fighting out of nowhere

    So, to cut a long story short I rescued these guys from a mum who had four sons, she’d got the kids guinea pigs for them and they grew bored of them and they never really got the correct care, in a cage that was too small and were being given straw for a year of their lives. They’re 1 next...
  10. wheek!guinea

    Bar biting concern

    Worried about bar biting. My boars are currently in a 2x8 C&C set up, split in half 2x4 each from their original layout. Glacier (3yo boar) has IVDD or early onset of arthritis in his back, knees, and spine (the vets aren’t really sure which one or if both) they absolutely have to be separated...
  11. thedosboys

    Boys don't chew is that a problem?

    I'm the dad of Diego and Manny, they are a bonded pair about 3 years of age. When I first thought about getting guinea pigs everyone says that they are going to chew, so make things chew proof or give them things to chew on. But I've had my boys for almost a month and.... They don't chew. I...
  12. C

    Stuffed toys for boars

    Evening all, so roughly a month ago we picked up two young pigs from a family near my parents village. They're very happy and have a large cc cage with loft, they pop about all over the place and get floor time twice a day. They have two of everything and up to a couple of days ago, were very...
  13. L

    Trio Of Boars Not Working Out - Post Separation Advice Needed

    Hi all! First time posting so hopefully this is the right place. I stumbled upon the separation guide and found it quite useful! I have 3 boars that were a few weeks old when I purchased them (bad advice from the shop otherwise would have gotten 2) and they are now 6 months old. I have had to...
  14. A

    New guinea pig

    Hi there! I recently welcomed a new guinea pig into my home. He's around 2-3 months old, and I decided to name him Brownie. Brownie is currently living with my adult guinea pig, Piggy. However, I'm encountering an issue where Piggy constantly starts sniffing or biting his butt? I’m not sure what...
  15. lauryn1289

    Just some questions about bonding

    Hi everyone, if anyone was following any of my other posts over the last couple weeks you might remember, since the passing of my Kip and Bobby I’m hoping to bond Ollie and the newest addition Eggs. I read through the bonding guide and just had a few extra questions if that’s okay! To specify...
  16. toodledoodler

    When/if to separate?

    Hello fellow piggie-lovers, I recently posted a thread alike this one, but things have changed since then. My two 12-week-old and 13-week-old guinea pigs just do not seem to get along. Freddie (dominant) just won't leave Wilbur alone sometimes. I also notice that WIlbur gets a bit annoyed when...
  17. N

    New Behaviour (Mounting)

    Hello, I have 2 boars, one 3 and one 2. We have recently moved home a month ago and they are in a new environment and a new slightly smaller cage (they were in a 3 X 4 c&c but now on a 2 X 4, I know it's minimum but it's temporary until I can build them a custom size). Anyway, today I have...
  18. Lijah

    C&C cage help

    Hii guys, I recently adopted a new piggy for my remaining one after my older one passed, and wanna upgrade their cage to a C&C one. They currently have a ferplast one but i let them free roam as much as possible as i think the ferplast isn't big enough for one, let alone two. They're both boars...
  19. BaldwinandNormie

    Boars finally in same enclosure!

    Hi! I'm hoping to get some insight into how things are actually going with two adolescent boar skinny pigs! We started with a 6 month old boar named Baldwin who, after some time in his new home, really flourished. But it became very clear that he needed a friend to love with! After searching for...
  20. stewietankfrank

    Help! Guinea Fight. Need Advice.

    Hey all, I have 3 boars who have all been separated at one point or another because of compatibility. I got a new cage and paired two of them together- there has been basic behavior of them trying to establish who is boss, I’ve had guineas for years so I wasn’t super concerned. They’re the same...