
  1. N

    Rescue Piggies And Dominance

    Hi, New to the forum and wondering if anyone could give a bit of advice. We got ours two boys from a rescue place on Sunday. Both are around 2 years old and have been together a long time. Everything's been fine for the most part, they're really happy to be handled, etc. However, we noticed...
  2. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Neutered Boar Questions.

    So it looks as though I'll become the forever home for a nice young man at the end of the month and I have some questions. Firstly, I've read that they can still produce boar glue, much to my disgust! :)) Can they still suffer with sperm rods too? I'm very nervous as I will have to bond him...
  3. Jesse's pigs

    More Mo Floor Time Fun

    Had to share more pictures of my Mo from his floor time today- the last picture!
  4. Jesse's pigs

    Floor Time

    All this space and where is Mo?
  5. Jesse's pigs

    What A Sexy Chap I Am!

    Excuse the title haha but had to share these pics of Mo's first trusted floor time in the new layout of my room. He has a full square and then a corner to run around in and he loves it! Was a bit nervous after he disappeared under the bookshelf the very very first time he ever went on the ground...
  6. RJade


    ive posed before about little fights and things, it's not really any worse. I have noticed more marks on them now, like grazes, but nothing serious. I took them to my vet for other reasons and he recommended neutering them if their fighting became any worse, he did say though it often calms down...
  7. RJade


    2 weeks ago, I got a 10 week old boar to go with my nearly 1 year old boar. They were fine until just this evening, my older male has starting humping the littler one a quite a bit. It's been about 5 minutes none stop and my littest is being very vocal. Do I just wait for it to pass?
  8. Jesse's pigs

    4 Boars Now 3

    This is another thread about my friend(whom I have mentioned a couple of times) who seems to be magic when it comes to bonding boars. So she purchased two bonded boars but they started fighting so she split them up and put Russell with her two rescued sows and Howard with her newest sow Quinn...
  9. Jesse's pigs


    So I think this is the term-sperm rods? I was just wondering whether this is a sperm rod or if I'm being daft. I've noticed a few come from my boars boar bits and wondered if they're something else. There not rock solid just kind of rubbery and they're definitely not worms! He is pooing fine and...
  10. Jesse's pigs

    Mo's Dangleberries

    Hi I recently did thread on a worry I had regarding Mo's testicles. I've kept my eye on it but now it looks slightly red rather then white. I've read it could just be a scratch from hay or something or perhaps he scratched it but I was just wondering whether I should immediately worry about a...
  11. Jesse's pigs

    Mo's Bits And Bobs

    Hi guys it's me again with another question that if it wasn't piggy related I'd probably be locked up for asking haha. Basically I just cleaned my piggy out like usual- shook his fleece and removed hay and poos. I proceeded to give him his little stroke where he rolls over and reveals his belly...
  12. Gus&Gibby

    New Guinea Owner, Help&tips

    Hello! I am new to owning guinea pigs. I've had everything under the sun and this is my first time having guinea pigs. Last week I got a male 2 month old guinea pig and named him gus and today I got another 2 month old male guinea pig from the same place and named him Gibby. Now I have been...
  13. JodiXD

    Lone Guinea Pig Wellbeing

    Hi everyone :) Beforehand tl;dr : I have a single 1yr old boar, I'm a bit worried that he's depressed, he won't mix with other boars and I am unsure about getting him neutered. General advice? The details: So I have a lone guinea called Oliver, and he's almost a year old now. I'm a student...
  14. Jesse's pigs

    Mo Toileting

    So hi guys yet again on the subject of Mo's bowels. Before I share my worries I just want to point out that Mo is eating well,par his hay which he is still eating but not as vigorously and his teeth are pristine. His hair bounces back,he's alert and chews bars for food. No hunched posture though...
  15. S

    Guinea Pig Weight

    Would you say this is a healthy weight gain or should I put them on a "diet"? Wed, 22nd Feb Boar - Gizmo - 5 Months - 903g Female - Pip - 5 Months - 710g Female - Miffy - 2 Months - 371g Wed, 1st March Gizmo - 5 Months - 950g Pip - 5 months - 755g Miffy - 2 months - 391g And does anyone...
  16. Squishymoth

    Bringing In A New Piggy

    (Not sure if this is quite the right thread) Hello, I just met a very sweet piggy at a shelter. I was volunteering with dogs, but this piggy was sitting out on a counter, and he's been at the shelter for multiple months : ( the problem is he's a boar and I have two girls. If I get him I'll house...
  17. PebblePig

    Impaction - Please Help. Am I Doing The Right Thing?

    Hello everyone, This is my first time posting on this forum so please correct me if I make any mistakes! We have a 5 year old boar named Pebble (PB as a nickname). He now lives alone after we lost our other piggy two years ago. He has always been fit and well, other than once having a UTI...
  18. Jesse's pigs


    I've officially owned my boar Mo a year now and he's completely stolen my heart -and my money :lol!: Hopefilly we'll have many more years together and if all goes well then he should very well be having a brother to share those years with very soon!
  19. Jesse's pigs

    Climbing Arm

    This is/may be a stupid thread but after already making a thread on poop I don't think I can get any weirder! :lol!: Basically Mo has been climbing my arm recently when I put it in his cage to get his bowl or move his tunnel or pick up stray poos etc. He doesn't *idk* hump it.(stay with me)He...
  20. Jesse's pigs

    Upcoming Holiday- Tears Will Fall!

    So I go on holiday next week and obviously I'm excited for a change but the dread of leaving my furbabies behind always dampens my mood! I hate the thought of them falling ill or passing whilst I'm away. A friend feeds my rabbit and covers him for the nights and she's looked after him a couple...