
  1. Ono&Lennon

    Please help! Guinea pig with lumpy, swollen protruding penis

    This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling...
  2. K

    boars fighting

    hi, 6 months ago we got two male guinea pigs, they were bonded and happy together the whole time. unfortunately though we recently lost one of them, leaving whiskers to be a single 9/10 month old so, we got a new young male who is about 12 weeks old. today we tried to introduce them and it...
  3. J

    My boar may have anger issues.

    Don't get me wrong on the title, there's times he's happy, showing love(rarely), wheeking loudly and being a good piggy. ever since he became an adult, (he's 2 years old now) he's just been mean, mean and mean. He gets irritated at the littlest things, a little pet on the head and he's about...
  4. lauryn1289

    100g weight loss

    Hi everyone, probably my billionth post here lately lol. My boy Ollie was weighed at the vets today and came on at 1kg, his last weight check I did was about 1.11kg if I remember correctly so give or take 100g weight loss. I only just kinda registered his weight went down now. He does have mange...
  5. toodledoodler

    Trouble handling

    Hello fellow piggie lovers! I have 2 beautiful boars named Wilbur and Fred, both 4.5 months old. They’re my second pair so I thought I had experience handling guinea pigs, but now I realise that my previous pair were really quite easy to handle. We have made some progress - they now happily eat...
  6. blackie&tootsie

    EMERGENCY HELP! Baby guinea pig mites

    Hello, I'm a new piggy owner and I am worried for my male baby guinea pig, he's about 1-2 months old. 2 weeks ago, I got him from a pet shop. Bringing him home, I noticed he got a white hard thing in his hair on his neck (Idk how to insert an image). I didn't notice him excessively scratch and...
  7. Kellie

    Bereaved piggy

    Hi we are new to the forum, originally posted on another as was unsure how to create a thread. Very sadly we lost our lovely cloud a few days ago he was 11 months old and had a seizure. We dearly miss him as does his brother Elmo. Cloud has been sent for cremation so will be home soon ❤️ Elmo is...
  8. Bart17

    2 Separate Boars

    I have 2 boys, had one for about 2 years(Approx 2yrs old), and one i recently picked up about 3 months ago(Approx 1yr old). Tried to bond them, seemed okay at first, then they started to get more aggressive, so we stopped. They have been living separated but close for most of their time...
  9. I

    Bonding boars. Lots of questions

    Hi, I have 4 guinea pigs (Blossom, Totoro, Bilbo and Ponyo). Blossom, Totoro, and Bilbo are almost 6 months old. We don't know the age of Ponyo, but we know he is an adult and at least 1 year old. At first, we had two guinea pigs that came from different places and that we had bonded, their...
  10. Crislynf

    2.5 year old male post op bladder surgery problems

    Hi everyone, My boy Sonic underwent bladder surgery on Wednesday, July 6, to remove a stone shown in the XRAY. However, when they opened up his bladder, they only found a lot of sludge and were able to clean some, but some of the sludge went to his prostate. Thankfully, he made it through...
  11. Pohtaytur

    Guinea Pig smell?

    Hi, so I was petting my boar Harold, when I noticed a sort of musky smell? It's kind of a hard smell to describe. I don't think it was the smell of pee? It was a little sharp, but I could only really smell it if I was close to him, maybe a few inches away. I clean their poop daily and clean...
  12. Wetherill


    My 5 y/o boy surprised me with very soft, deformed stool this morning in clumps that are causing my whole room to smell foul. He is happy, eating, drinking, etc., however it’s Saturday and my vet cannot see him until monday. Unfortunately there is no emergency vet near me that sees guinea pigs—...
  13. ZenexPiggies

    My boar seems very confused

    Hey there, I got 4 sows and 1 boar which were all adopted from people who didnt want them anymore or because they lost their cage friend. Anyways, my boar: Elvis always seems very confused as of what he should do. He could come out of a tunnel then look around then just go back in and come out...
  14. lauryn1289

    Any ideas what causes hair loss around the eyes?

    One of my boys Kip has had a bit of hair loss around his eyes for the past few months. He was taken to the vet a while ago who gave him ivermectin and it didn’t seem to do anything, a couple of years back he was on ivermectin for hair loss elsewhere. It’s been a continuous thing and I really...
  15. E

    Enrichment for a singleton

    Hi guys, I'm fostering a 6 month old boar soon! He'll be being neutered under my care then put up for adoption to go join another singleton or herd. I want to make sure that he's as occupied as possible being a lone six month old boy. Any recommendations of quirky ways to keep a lone...
  16. CavyL0ver

    Constant rumble-strutting

    I adopted a baby boar 4 days ago for my 3 month old lone boar and they are currently living in a 2x6 C&C cage with a divider. The 3 month old boar is constantly rumble-strutting next to the cage divider. Is this normal? Should I start the bonding process already or should I wait a couple of days?
  17. MsBaru

    Advice on male baby pig separation needed - what is the best approach?

    Hello everyone. My guinea pig female (she came already pregnant from an owner who did not have guinea pigs sexed and housed them all together before he gave them up for adoption) recently gave birth to two healthy babies - one boar and one sow. The thing is, I know the young boy has to be...
  18. L

    My 2 boars can't seem to get along anymore!

    I've had these guinea pigs for about 3 months now, I got the younger one first (Peanut) , and then a bit later I got a second one who was a few months older (Cashew). They are both under a year old and when I got Cashew, he was the submissive one, even though he was older. They really got...
  19. WobbleBobble

    Should I try to bond my slightly immobile guinea pig with another boar?

    Hi, I recently rescued a young boar (9 weeks) who has mobility issues in his back legs. I have previously had guinea pigs but not for a while, however this one was in need of a home where someone could make sure he was always eating and drinking and helping if need be so I took him on. In the...
  20. Fiona1987

    Poop getting stuck

    Evening everyone. just a quick question about my male piggy. I think I’ve read somewhere this is a common thing but can’t seem to find the thread anywhere 🤷🏼‍♀️. this past week or so I’ve been noticing my boar is trapping his poops inside his sac. I found around 3 today and had to pull them...