
  1. GeorgiaHarris

    Something large stuck in his bum

    I noticed that there was a pink patch on my piggies fleece and assumed it was my 4/5 year old boar as it was in his spot where he sleeps all the time. I googled and found that it could be blood in his urine or that his urine had just oxidated, I saw post saying I should put him on a white towel...
  2. L


    So, this is my second post today as it seems my fur babies are determined to pute through the ringer. But I recently acquired a couple of females who, until now, have seemed very healthy. Even so, they've been in quarantine for the past couple of weeks before being introduced to the others...
  3. TheLottiediarys

    Is this blood?

    Came home and checked the pigs, found a patch of red in the groups cage, I've checked them all over and no one has any obvious bite wounds so I don't think they've fought, If it is blood either Bears scabby foot has come open or someones pooing or weeing blood :/ I just want to check that this...
  4. AdamFrench

    Blood From Bum And Weight Loss

    Hi, I'm wondering if you could help.. Our guinea pig Belle had lost a little weight over a few weeks (50g) then stopped losing it, never gained it back but hadn't dropped any lower. Usual behaviour, very vocal and eats LOTS! We woke up this morning with blood on her fleece where she had...
  5. yayoiharuko

    I'm A Terrible Mom!

    I made my baby bleeed. Ahhhhhh >. < What do I do :c I was clipping his nails. Since they are black I can't see the quick.
  6. Jesse's pigs

    Help- Freaking Out!

    Just returned home to find both piggies fine but the poos (I suspect coming from Mo though most of them are like it so could also be Steve) almost purple? They haven't had beetroot but did have a mixed salad the smorning of red lettuce and normal lettuce leaves- it's not red? And there's a...
  7. Zelsi

    Bonded Boars - Sudden Fight? Please Help!

    I have two boars Monty (2.5yrs) and Simba (1yr) who I bonded last month. Thread here: Bonding Two Boars - Advice Needed! Since the bonding they did get a lot better, ate together, slept together etc. with Monty being the dominant one. Over the past week there was more chattering and nosing...
  8. MilliePigs

    Blood In Urine

    Hello everyone, I have read the forums here a lot but never made an account, until today. I have two pairs of boars, both very lovely, and today was bath day, much to their demise. Anyway, when I was bathing the second pair, Bumble was waiting in the empty bath patiently while I was cleaning...
  9. C

    Cut On Young Guinea Pig, Vet Worthy?

    i have three guinea pigs, two of which were just introduced about a week ago. they are getting alone fine and playing well but one morning i noticed a cut on one's face. it almost looks white powdery around it and is scabbing a lot. i've been gently cleaning it and it doesn't seem to be...
  10. Lunaandmaggie

    Will It Ever Happen

    Hello, so my one piggie lost her cage mate hermione coming on 5 months now. We are very saddened by her death. But we got Luna the on piggie left a cage mate and Luna hates Maggie the new one she made her bleed today I have tried everything and Luna it's getting more clingy to me and Maggie...
  11. K


    My girl Patty is bleeding out of her butt, off and on. She is 5 and she hasn't been acting herself recently. Shes eating less, Shes been sleeping more, and she has crust around her eyes. I've also noticed that parts of the bottom of her feet are a little red. Idk what to do, shes old. Also I...
  12. GirlFromMars

    Blood In Urine

    Hi, I've been reading this forum for a while and have found lots of useful information (thank you!) but I've finally made an account because I'm worried about one of my boys! We adopted him and his friend (both three years old) back in February And last week we found some blood spots in the...
  13. johnxt

    Guinea Pig Cyst-like Bleeding...

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I have had my guinea pig named Doughnut since about 2015, my other pig lived until 4. About two weeks ago I noticed a nickel sized bump about the thickness of a pencil, on my guinea pigs hip area. This week I noticed that there was a tiny drop of blood...
  14. Rosie's Mum

    Lots Of Blood In Cage - Splashes The Size Of My Hand!

    Hello! I hope you can help me - I've just been into my piggies before work and it looks like someone's been murdered! Checked all piggies over and they all seem fine, no wounds or stains on their fur. The blood is splattered on paper I give them to chew and is purpley in colour. They haven't had...
  15. ZoeCavyLover

    Foot Injury (please Help)

    My three year old male boar guinea pig scraped his foot. Its scraped at the top of the foot but I am worried it will get infected. I soaked the wound in warm water, dried it off, applied a very small amount of neosporin, wrapped it in gauze, and wrapped in vet wrap. I also changed his bedding...
  16. G

    Introduction Went Wrong After A Week-please Help!

    Hello! I have owned three sows for two years and adopted a lone male Guinea pig from a rescue a few months ago. I got him neutered and he lived side by side with the sows for 6 weeks. I finally introduced him (on neutral terroritory) to the sows and apart from the odd rumble they all got on...
  17. D

    Large, Angry Looking Lump On Side

    So I suppose I should start from the beginning, shouldn't I? So a few months ago (maybe five or six) I noticed a small lump, about the size of a pea, on my cavy's side. I was a little panicked, because she's one of the first guinea pigs I've ever had and I had never experienced something like...
  18. Guineapigfeet

    Blood Drawn Again Today

    This morning BB bit me just after I finished her nails. She was sat in my arms and bit my finger. It only bled a tiny bit and stopped as soon as it started. She hates nail clipping and we all find it stressful. Easily forgiven. Later I had them all out on my knee. As usual they were all over...
  19. Guineapigfeet

    Front Nail Clipping Advise

    Does anyone have any tips of advice for clipping front feet? I find them really tricky with my wriggly pigs and they get stressed and we (I) get stressed and BB drew blood today :-( major ouch. Back feet are a breeze, helped along by the fact that they are so far away from the teeth! I feel...
  20. AdamFrench

    Blood On The Fleece - Baffled!

    I have two soon to be 7 month old girls. The little one is always bouncy and full of courage but the big one is typically more reserved, let's the little one test the waters before committing to anything. They had a bit of a disagreement a couple of weeks ago which sounded horrible but no...