
  1. C

    Dental Gut stasis

    Hello everyone, I need some advice and support regarding my 5-year-old male guinea pig (1kg). It all started with bloat and gut stasis. Simethicone was prescribed, but his condition didn’t improve. Unfortunately, the vet went on vacation, so I had to find another doctor. One of the vets...
  2. ahnguyen

    My guinea pig has passed away, and I need advice to help ease my heart

    I’m sorry if I posted in the wrong section, as I just joined and am not fully familiar with how things work here. However, I still wanted to post to seek help from everyone. My piggy passed away a few days ago. Before that, I had taken him to the vet, where he was diagnosed with severe bloating...
  3. DannyNiamh

    Old piggie and bloat

    Hi all! My old man (Tyler) is 7 years old and very recently he has started becoming bloated after eating pretty much any veg so he is currently on hay, pellets and water (and some critical care) just to sort of factory reset his tum. I'm making him walk around the house to get the gas moving...
  4. Puddles1999


    Penelope had her teeth trimmed last week. Took her awhile to “bounce” back from it and she has now been experiencing pain of sorts. Sitting puffy a lot. She is acting normal except when in her sleep area. She sits very puffy. I should add that she’s not always puffy when sitting. It is very off...
  5. B

    Is it true that u can use Metoclopramide for maximum three days?

    My vet, when I asked him about using mcp + emeprid, said I can't use mcp for more than 3 days because with longer use there is a risk that the pig's intestines will refuse to work when you stop giving it. I've read the general guide on bloating and in truth quite a few threads and haven't seen...
  6. P

    GI Stasis Recovery?

    Hi all, My piggy Theo was diagnosed with GI stasis and bloat about a month ago. We dilligently syringe-fed him and gave him antibiotics, metoclopramide, metcam, and other assorted medicines the vet prescribed for over three weeks, and last week he seemed to be getting better and we were told to...
  7. K

    Liver Disease

    Hello, My wee Guinea pig Thor for the past week has haven to be syringe fed and watered (he was 1.2kg). He was doing huge clumpy poops (I made a previous post). We went to the vet and he had bloat. They thought they felt a mass so he got an ultrasound and X-ray. When the results came back it...
  8. V

    Guinea pig sages, please advise 🙏

    Hi everyone! 👋 I'm Lydia from Longmont, Colorado. Firstly, I would like to thank you all because although I just registered and this is my very first post, I have been looking at this forum on and off for tips on guinea pig care, creating DIY fleece liners, understanding piggie behavior...
  9. lilpumpkamo

    Caring for an older guinea pig with recurring breathing and digestion issues

    Hello! I wanted to post here to ask for advice on caring for a older guinea pig with recurring health issues. I want to make her as comfortable as possible in the time she has left with us. Some background: She adopted as an adult from Craigslist and likely 1-2 years old in 2018. I have had...
  10. G

    Managing Bloat

    Hi All Last week I rushed one of my guinea pigs to an emergency vet appointment because it sounded like he was having some breathing difficulty (breaths were deep and quite laboured). The vet had a listen to his heart and chest but thought they sounded fine, she also had a feel of him and said...
  11. S

    Chronic Bloating - Advice Appreciated

    Hello everyone, One of our guinea pigs (rescued January 2022) has been suffering from a chronic bloating issue since our adoption of her. She's been to the vet at least 6-7 times for a bloating issue since January of last year, and I am beginning to worry about her long term gut health as a...
  12. PiggyPack

    Bloat - I can’t win

    Hi! So my guinea pig bea has been battling bloat for almost 5 months now. It’ll get better after weeks of emeprid, then all of a sudden she’s got those horrible stringy poops again. I’ve had so many trips to the vets it’s getting embarrassing. The cycle goes, bloat, meds, off meds, slowly...
  13. F

    Bloated guinea pig - Now passed away

    Hello, we had a 1yr 6 month old male guinea pig named Luquorice who showed symptoms of bloat, but had been eating normally, pooping and running around the hour before. Within 20 minutes of the first sign of swelling, we took him straight to the vets. The swelling got worse and he was in immense...
  14. PiggyPack

    Veggies After Bloating

    Hi! So I was just wondering how to wean Bea, my piggie who has just recovered from bloat, back on to veggies? I’ve been trying to give her bits of corriander and must’ve given her a little too much and saw one of those horrible stringy poops. Has anyone got any advice on how I can wean her...
  15. PiggyPack

    Changing hay with a bloated pig?

    Hi! For those who know about Bea’s situation, I want to thank you again, she’s put back on 100g and is eating more than our other two combined! A hay rich diet really is helping her. But I noticed today, our usual hay supplier has really been letting us down, it’s Helmes Hay if any of you UK...
  16. PiggyPack

    Bloat home help

    Hi Guys! Our lovely 4 year old sow Bea is having a bit of trouble at the moment with some pretty nasty bloat! We rushed her over to the vet last night and she’s had two injections, metacam and another antibiotic forgive me I’ve forgotten the name of and she’s on a course of Emeprid and...
  17. 1011Elizabeth

    Bloat Not eat and poop for 4 days

    Hello, My Elizabeth is a 3.5 years-old girl. She started to have a lower appetite and fewer poops from Sunday and stopped pooping on Monday at noon (later, only two poops during the afternoon). We got medication of meloxicam, metoclopramide syrup, and vitamin C on Tuesday morning and...
  18. stef.trg

    Chronic bloating

    Hello everybody, I haven‘t been on here in forever so big apologies for my absence. I could really use some advice with my Pewter (2,5 years old). A little backstory: About a year ago I took her to her annual MOT where the vet mentioned that she seems to be fairly gassy (This was something our...
  19. O

    Old Man Nibbler Sick

    Hi everyone! My wife and I have an elder 6.5 year old boar named Nibbler who is battling a few illnesses right now that have us really concerned. We are located in the US and can kindly use some assistance, feedback, and personal experiences. My apologies in advance for the incredibly long...
  20. L

    URGENT! Liquid diarrhea and antibiotics

    Hello, this forum has helped me a lot with questions I had in the past about my boar's health so I made this account solely for this since I didn't finds anything specific so bear with me please. My 3 year old piggie Pepe started peeing with squeaking less than 2 months ago, short after I...