
  1. JoannaMarie

    Ted Had Bladder Surgery On Friday - Still Not Eating Or Moving Much

    I really hope you can advise me. My baby boy Ted had a bladder operation on Friday - they thought it was bladder stones but it was actually a blood clot. He ate a little of his straw yesterday but I was syringe feeding him all day. Today there is no improvement. He didn't move all night. There...
  2. M

    Help? Guinea Pig Can't Pee And Is In Lots Of Pain...

    My Guinea pig, lucky (ironically), is a female and she's about 4 and a half years old. She's got a sister who's much much (about .5lb) heavier than she is and my Lucky got much thinner over the past few months, you can feel her bones all over. Recently I've heard grunting and squeals (painful)...
  3. furryfriends (TEAS)

    Bladder Issues!

    I have never had a guinea pig with a bladder issue, and I am trying to work out what, if anything, I do differently to most people. You could just say I have been lucky, but I have had a large number of guinea pigs over the years and no problems. Just under two years ago I took in a guinea...