bladder sludge

  1. bbddf

    Possibility of Guinea Pigs With Gluten Intolerance Linked To Bladder Problems

    * Disclaimer: This is only a theory that I have come up with. It is not a diagnosis. I am not a medical professional or veterinarian. I made an effort to use reputable resources. I have provided references in relation to my ideas. This is my own research. Please know, I am not forcing the idea...
  2. Lauren22

    Bladder sludge!

    Hi, My boar Hubert had bladder stone surgery about a month ago now, and recently the sludge has returned. I changed his food to selective gluten free nuggets, he only gets 50g fresh per day and unlimited hay. The veg he gets is, cucumber, green beans, celery and pepper. I feel like I'm...
  3. Puddles1999

    Powder or sludge in guineas pee?

    Hi everybody! I was holding my baby, Minnie. Minnie peed on a towel I was holding her with and her pee smelt insanely bad and potent. Also this stuff also appeared in the area she had peed. Now I’m not sure if it was there before but I messed with it with a toothpick to see it’s...
  4. Kaysroberts1

    Piggy bladder sludge/too much calcium in wee

    My guinea pig has been hunching whilst wearing and crying out whilst doing so, so I took him to the vets and they managed to extract some of his urine which proved that he has a large amount of calcium in his bladder which is piling up and stopping him from urinating properly. They have told me...
  5. yvette langford

    Sperm rod

    I took my 5 month old boar to the vet on Tuesday as he was squealing and straining to pee. They felt around to see if they could feel a stone. Nothing, so we were sent home with painkillers and antibiotics. He seemed to be alright on Wednesday, not 100% but better than he was. Come Thursday...
  6. Salt and Pepper

    Bladder Sludge ?

    Hi, to update you after my previous post I visited an exotics specialist today who showed us the X-ray our local vet had taken (they told us it was clear) and pointed out an area of possible sludge in the bladder. She explained that we could have another x-Ray under anesthetic to confirm if...
  7. Parnassus

    Clearing Bladder Sludge Effectively

    Hi friends! I'm feeling heartsick tonight. My sweet Whistler has been diagnosed with bladder sludge. It's my first guinea pig with sludge! So, I'm convinced she's just more naturally gifted in developing it than others. ;D I could use some advice, even if it's just to keep doing what I'm...
  8. kitelk

    Inflamed Bladder + Glucosamine.

    Hello all, I have a 3 year old guinea pig "Lola" with an inflamed bladder. I have seen a few people on here using vegan glucosamine to help the lining of the bladder and so I purchased this one Glucosamine 1500 - Caruso's Natural Health | Health care products | Health food store | Herbal...
  9. Beans&Toast

    Vetcare Plus Multi Modal Food

    I've been looking at getting new nuggets for Toast as she has a lot of health issues most of the time. Recurring cystitis, unstable weight, bladder issues, bloat.. I've found this; VetCarPlus Multi-Modal Guinea Pig Food | Edibles | The Hay Experts It says it's good for all of the issues I...
  10. Beans&Toast

    Water Filters

    I'm looking at getting a water filter for the pigs as Toast has recurring bladder problems, cystitis, UTI, bladder crystals etc.. I noticed some are over £100, some at £20 and some are cheap, around £5.99... I've also read that some filters do different things and filter out more/less...
  11. Molly Isabella

    Urgent: Advice On Sick Piggy With Bladder Sludge. (euthanasia?)

    (I'm from the United Kingdom) Hi guys. My piggie Oreo is just about 3 years of age. She's always had some health issues and has just been genuinely unlucky. A few months ago she had an operation for an abscess on the side of her stomach. That went successfully and she recovered. For the last...