
  1. PerpLexxity

    This Spoiled Guy

    So today I learned why my guinea pig bites me! After doing a little bit of research on the forum, I've learned that my guy (Henry, 7months) bites me to manipulate me. So with my two pigs, we snuggle and have our bonding time like usual; and basically my Henry starts off with a little nibble on...
  2. Isabela

    Guinea Pigs Scratching And Biting Because Of Washing Powder?

    Hello. Is there any chance that my guinea pigs scratch and bite themselves because the washing powder that I use for their fleece blankets doesn't suit them? I've since changed it. I used a liquid powder Blink Color Waschmittel Ultra-Sensitiv and now I switched to the powder one. The one I...
  3. Zelsi

    I Separated My Boars - What Next?

    I have just separated my two boars, same cage but a divider down the middle. While on holiday my family took care of them and when I returned I checked each one thoroughly and the younger one (12 months) had some bald patches / nips on his back and cheek. The larger one (2.5 years) did bite him...
  4. Isabela

    Scratching And Biting Because Of Hay Dust?

    Is it possible that my two guinea pigs are scratching and biting themselves because of the hay? The hay is fresh and it's always dusty. It's from home, not from a store. Since a lot of people have allergies and dry skin because of that, is it possible that they have it too? They've been to the...
  5. C

    Is He Okay?

    Hey, SO I was here around a month against with concerns over my new Guinea pigs, Trevor, behaviour. He bites at the bars a lot, which has made neighbours complain and now we're moving him into a 6 foot long, foot 1/2 wide "fish tank" with an open top. He's very very skittish even though I've...
  6. W

    Extreme Biting

    Every time I pick my guinea pig Bubbles up she'll bite me anywhere she can find skin. My neck is red as I'm writting this. She has been a biter since the beginning but now its been getting worse. She'll make little squeaks whenever I'm having lap time with her and bite me all the time. She...
  7. Nbw_835

    Chewing Bars?

    My guinea pig was in a glass tank for the first 4 and a half months of her life. I bult her a cage (a very large one) and all she does is chew on the bars like she wants out. Is this normal? She has also started asking to be picked up and then biting and she screams loudly if I leave her alone...
  8. W

    Biting Piggy

    My piggy Bubbles has always been more nervous than Nymeria and has been biting people since the beginning. I have no clue why. I handle her carefully, I pet her where she likes, I hand feed her, she has no injuries (not even internal, she had an ultrasound) etc. She has fallen once but I don't...
  9. F

    Abdominal Lump

    My female guinea pig has a firm, grape sized lump on her lower abdomen. It is near a teat, at a spot where she would occasionally bite herself, leaving wounds or bruising which would heal quite quickly. She is almost 7 years old and does not seem to be in any pain. Anyone seen this on their pigs?
  10. TheLottiediarys

    Does Anyone Have Experience With This? Its Health But Also Behavior?

    Hi all, Just got back from taking Aurora to the vets She has a wound on her back. Here a little back story on this wound, in case any part of this history is important to whats happening now? When i 'adopted' Aurora and her cage mate Anya a few weeks ago, they weren't in great condition...
  11. Mishatoe

    My Guinea Pig Keeps Biting Me

    I've had a baby guinea pig for about a month now and when I take her out to roam on my bed she bites me. I'm not even touching her and she comes over and licks me and then bitez VERY hard. She has done it to my face, but it's usually on my hands, fingertips, and arms. What should I do about...
  12. Annie Robbins

    Random Biting

    Hi, So I have a 4 month old guinea pig. She lives by herself because I do not have the room for two sadly. I handler her a lot and she has a lot of toys to keep her occupied. She lives a spoiled life. She has now started to bite me (not breaking skin, but more than nibbles). She swings her...
  13. Bekialice

    Baby Refusing To Bond

    Hiya, we have two adult sows (6 years old) and two baby sows (around 6 months). When we attempted to bond at 3 months old, baby Luna took REALLY well to the adult pigs and brought new life into them. She's going on adventures all the time and cuddling them at night and the adults love her...
  14. fueloficarus

    Bereaved Question

    Hello all. New here. Yes, I read the above threads, but as you all know when this happens you still have to ask. So, we lost a pig yesterday. Truffles. He died very quickly, as did his brother (actual brother, from the same litter, who passed away about 4 months ago). They were bought from a...
  15. echowhisper

    Guinea Pig Biting :(

    my Guinea pig called Echo (around 8 months old) has started to bite me pretty hard when I pick him up. I don't think it is that he needs the toilet because he does it quite regularly and only after a few seconds of being held. I hold him against my body and he bites my cheast. I am holding him...
  16. Beans&Toast

    F10 Disinfectant As A Wash..?

    I was advised by a vet (not my normal vet) that F10 disinfectant can be used for Beans who is scratching/biting around her thighs and vulva area. She's been checked for mites and it's not that so I was advised to try this. I was told 1ml of F10 per 500mls of water and bathe the area twice a...
  17. V

    Urgent Bonding Help Please

    Hi, A couple of months ago I rescued a boar, Obi (about 9 months old) who was in a bad way and living alone. He received treatment for his skin problems, got him to a healthy weight and have now (6 weeks ago) had him castrated so he can hopefully go in with my two girls (about 6 months old)...
  18. Guineapigfeet

    Front Nail Clipping Advise

    Does anyone have any tips of advice for clipping front feet? I find them really tricky with my wriggly pigs and they get stressed and we (I) get stressed and BB drew blood today :-( major ouch. Back feet are a breeze, helped along by the fact that they are so far away from the teeth! I feel...
  19. Beans&Toast

    Beans Has Lumps And Continuously Biting Them.

    Sorry this is a long post. I've been having so many issues with both Beans and Toast for quite a while now. (I'll give Toast a separate thread) A couple of months ago I found a very small lump on Beans. It was kind of on her side near her nipple. I took her to get checked and as it was so tiny...
  20. Fuzz Pigs

    New Pigs Home... Nips, Bites, Squeaks And Bossy Pigs. Normal?

    Hello everyone, I brought my three rescue piggies home a couple of days ago and they've started to settle. Since they're not hiding constantly now like when they first got home, they've started to show some behaviours that I'm a little concerned about. The least concerning is one of my girls...