
  1. A

    Advice needed

    I would love some advice. We are away on holiday and returning tomorrow. My daughters (12 and 14) dote on their guineas and my eldest particularly adores Ziggy who has been so much comfort to her particularly recently as she navigates her way through anxiety. Very sadly I found out on our first...
  2. M

    loss of a cagemate

    hi everyone, unfortunately my beloved hugo crossed the rainbow bridge about 6 weeks ago. it was very sudden and unexpected and he left behind his brother milo. milo coped surprisingly well with his death. i discovered hugo dead in the cage in the early hours of the morning and i suspect milo...
  3. C

    Died suddenly after vet said recovering

    My 2 year old girl developed wet bottom and a suspected UTI a week ago. Xrays and scans suggested no stones or uterine infection but that it was confined to bladder-the bladder walls thickened and possible bladder sludge. She was put on high dose baytril (and painkiller) and almost completely...
  4. peppermintSmoothie

    COVID-19 Piggie bonding during coronavirus

    We have a recently bereaved guinea pig who we're keen to find a companion for as soon as possible as he is not doing well on his own. Has anyone had any experience of finding a companion pig during coronavirus? We want to do this in the safest way for everyone/everypig! I have a huge...
  5. T

    Guinea pig loss

    Hi all, One of my trio (Greta) really sadly passed away last week after being hospitalised for a respiratory infection. I think one of my pigs (Agnes) is taking it a bit harder than the other - she's still eating, but just seems a bit quieter. She used to be very good friends with Greta. She...
  6. R

    Companions for bereaved 6 year old pig?

    Hi, I have had my two bonded male piggies for 6 years now since they were only 8 weeks old or so. The dominant one of them has recently sadly been put down. My other pig got to see the body and seemed to show no interest in it, continuing to graze. He has been eating alright since then and was...
  7. Mikknu

    One of My Boys, Koda, Died

    Hey everyone. I haven't been around for a while due to personal circumstances that have kept me busy. My mom had a heart attack and can't get scheduled for surgery to help her because of covid, and we're moving my grandma into hospice tomorrow. Naturally, this is utterly heartbreaking to me...
  8. nibblesandcoco

    Bereaved Sow during Coronavirus

    Hello everyone, Yesterday morning, we unexpectedly found one of our sows, Nibbles, passed in her cage. The previous night she was showing no signs of acting different, so we were very surprised and are grieving. However, she left our other pig, Charlotte on her own, who is only 2 and a half...
  9. S

    Bereaved single Piggy.

    Hello, lovely forum. As some of you may or may not know, we lost our sweet Biscuit yesterday morning after a short battle with illness and not eating. I am not yet ready to post in the Rainbow thread, my heart is too tender. I have read the guides to looking after a bereaved Piggy, and just...
  10. Ethelandmarigold

    One of group passed away

    Hi, ive posted on here a couple of times about my young guinea pigs. I bought a young female pair in July, one turned out to be pregnant, they had terrible lice and then once she had given birth she began to develop on and off respiratory problems. unfortunately after almost 7 weeks of...
  11. blueredgreen

    Re-bonding after Cuy passing

    Hi all, my gorgeous Cuy boar (Chip) passed recently at just under 11 months - it was my first Guinea pig loss and it was only worsened by how short his life was. My main concern however, is my very dominant - now bereaved - boar Cookie. Today I am bonding him with Sundae, another boar who he...
  12. Gemm24

    Bereaved Guinea Pig

    Hello! Sammy (neutered two year old boar) lost his companion on Friday and I am very upset but I know I need to focus on Sammy. Sammy is quiet, lonely and not himself, more scared than usual. I need to get him a friend regardless of my feelings of grief. I have looked around rescues near me...
  13. blacklegkat

    One of our boars passed away - what should we do next?

    On the 1st of February, one of my beloved boars unfortunately passed away due to a problem with his digestive system. Me and my father are very sad about this, as you could probably guess, but we feel even worse because now we have a lonely boar. We love him with all our hearts and want the best...
  14. Julie M

    Not Wheeking Any More

    since we lost Fudge on the 9th April I've not heard Buddy or Peanut wheeking. They all used to wheek every single day when it was veggie time. Fresh hay time or even if I came home from work and shouted "hello piggies" up the stairs to them all. I thought it would just take time for them to...
  15. ginniexcarolina

    Piggie Left Alone :(

    Hi all I'm in need of some advice.. Last night our Ginnie died through the night she had been sick for a while back and forth to the vets with nothing helping her she just got worse and we nursed her until she finally passed away at around midnight I'm so heart broken over it and still very...
  16. fueloficarus

    Bereaved Question

    Hello all. New here. Yes, I read the above threads, but as you all know when this happens you still have to ask. So, we lost a pig yesterday. Truffles. He died very quickly, as did his brother (actual brother, from the same litter, who passed away about 4 months ago). They were bought from a...
  17. Carrotyd

    How To Tell A Child That A Beloved Guinea Pig Has Died?

    Hello all. Lloyd, the piggy on the left in my profile picture, passed away overnight after a very brief and rapid illness, leaving behind his best buddy and cage-mate, Harry. While the pair of them belong to me, I have many nieces and nephews who are also very much invested in the boys' care...
  18. C

    Getting My Guinea Pig A New Friend

    Four years ago I bought 2 beautiful baby guinea pigs (both female) and they have grown up together. Unfortunately, last night one of them passed away and so my remaining piggy is now alone. I am wondering whether to get her a new friend? She seems ok at the moment - she is still eating but seems...
  19. Elgifu321

    Need A New Cage Mate For My Bereaved Piggie

    my piggie Rupert has been on his own almost a week now and his behaviour has changed- he's hiding more and not moving around etc. I've been giving him extra cuddles but I know it doesn't make up for piggie company. I was looking for rescues near me and found cavy haven and made an appointment...