
  1. B

    Pet bereavement

    Hi, I'm a researcher at Bolton University (UK) and I'm currently conducting some research about the impact of the death of a pet. If you are happy to share your experiences, we'd love to hear from you. We're looking from responses from anyone over 12 years old, living in the UK, who has...
  2. Puddles1999

    Bonding a Senior Heart pig

    Hi everyone, So I’ve recently been back and forth to the vets with my last girl, Penelope. Believe she has a heart issue and she is currently on Vetmedin and going to start benazapril too. My other two girls passed away in January a week apart from each other. Minnie was housed with Penelope...
  3. JordyW

    Missing my baby Junior

    My sweet little Junior (Black and white Crested) passed away 2 days ago on February 13th. He was 4 1/2 years old. We don't know what happened. He was fine last week as far as we could tell, but then over the weekend he stopped eating and drinking and began to seclude himself from us and his cage...
  4. Cryptillian

    How long should I wait after stone surgery before going boat dating?

    Hey all, decided I’d make a separate post for this question. My senior boar who is estimated to have just turned 7 (unfortunately he’s a rescue and we don’t know his true age, but I’ve had him for 3 years) is my last pig. I unfortunately lost one to pneumonia (8 years) and another to colon...
  5. T

    For those who have lost their piggy and are now left with one but are not ready/do not want another piggy…please read.

    Hello all, if you are a grieving guinea pig parent, I am firstly so sorry for your loss. If you have a single guinea pig now and are concerned with what to do and are not fully ready to get a second guinea pig and/or you do not want another guinea pig, this post is for you. So recently I had...
  6. T

    My guinea pig died and now her sister is all alone, please help seeking advice

    I used to have 4 guinea pigs, over time they each passed away. When it came to only having 2 left, one of them had unfortunately a few days ago passed away, leaving only 1 behind. My guinea pig that is still alive was the last one I had ever gotten, so my 4th, she was a rescue and when I...
  7. fgcb


    Hi everyone, A bit over a month ago I lost one of my piggies. It was a very difficult experience for me since we were very close and he died in my arms. However I feel that since his passing I also became a bit of a hypochondriac with my other pig. He was recently sneezing and I immediately...
  8. Bethan

    Goodnight my beautiful Clarice

    My poor girl Clarice lost her battle with lymphoma this afternoon 💔 She was only 4 years old. 😢 She loved her besties Cora and Pete, but loved being cheeky, shouting at me, and eating lettuce from her Dad’s garden more than anything. She learnt some of her cheekiness from her late friend Dylan...
  9. Bethan

    My beautiful pancake, Dylan ❤️‍🩹

    To be honest, it’s taken me almost a year to post this and I still don’t think I’m over the grief - but with another terminally ill piggie now, I think I’m ready to talk about my boy Dylan 💔 At around 6am on 21st July 2022, my sweet little pancake pig Dylan passed away. He was 5 and a half...
  10. Wetherill


    I posted the other day about my sweet angel Lionel being euthanized this coming Monday. Unfortunately, I found my sweet baby after he had passed peacefully in the night early this morning. He was laying snuggled up beside his hay rack—I hope he was comfortable, with a full belly, and felt safe...
  11. P

    Recent bereavement: remaining piggie seems happy. Confused.

    Hi there, I’ve occasionally visited this forum ever since getting a pair of bonded brother piggies nearly two years ago (unneutered). Lots of wise people here, and I’m really looking for advice… First, some general info: Living quarters: garden building, heated, 5 feet long by 2 feet wide. One...
  12. C

    Need a bit of help..please

    Hello! I had two lovely guineas, adopted together as babies. They were males. Sadly a couple of weeks ago, one died from a seizure at 7 months old. These were my first 2 guineas ever and I'm still processing as he was just so lovely and they are very much part of the family. He was also the...
  13. EmmaK

    Lone guinea pig

    Hiya all. Ive got a bit of a situation. I foster guinea pigs for the local rescue and I've had a long term foster for a while. she's about 4 years old (give or take) She's on meds so can't be rehomed therefore I put her in with my piggies however my last piggy has recently passed (yesterday) and...
  14. K

    Finding a new friend for my bereaved pig

    Hi all, Hoping I can get some advice as to how to help our pig, Albert. He lived with his brother all his life (he is 4) until he sadly and suddenly passed away two weeks ago. Albert does seem sad and a bit lethargic following the passing of his brother, so we are exploring the idea of...
  15. R

    Passing of a pig

    Hello, this won't be a situation I have to worry about for a long time, but I'm still curious about it. For a little bit of back story, I am a new piggie owner - 5 months ago I rescued a 2 year old boar from an incredibly neglectful situation, and, once he (hopefully) passes all health checks...
  16. M

    Death of next door companion guinea pig

    Hello, I had to take the difficult decision to put my guinea pig Mucho to sleep yesterday. His health severely deteriorated in just 24h, he had no previous health issues. He was only a year and a half old, so very unexpected, and brought back the trauma of losing my first guinea pig when I was...
  17. Megham

    Accepting the fragility of guinea pigs - do i carry on keeping them?

    Hello everyone this is my first post so please forgive me if I've done something wrong. I've had Guinea pigs since I was around 10. My first 2 lived to be ripe old men dying of old age at around 8 with no other problems. I think this altered my expectations so when I got pigs when I was a...
  18. AppleandTwig

    My Guinea pig passed and I can’t stop blaming myself

    My Guinea pig passed away today, he really struggled but he stayed strong. It was post-op so I know the anesthetics could have partially been at fault but I can’t stop thinking I did it to the little guy. I feel like what if I didn’t get the surgery? Would he still be alive? Would he be happy...
  19. lauryn1289

    Pig died suddenly, confused if I made the right decisions

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post so sorry if it’s not. My pigs, Rico and Kip had been cagemates since 2017. I got Rico in 2016 and think he was around 6. Very suddenly a few days ago he stopped eating and was very inactive, we brought him to the vet who said it seems like...
  20. CinnamonSwirl

    Guinea Pig bereavement.

    So one of my piggies has recently passed away as it come a shock for us and especially to my other guinea pig as it was so sudden. One of my guinea pig is now currently on her own and has no cage mate and it feels so odd not hearing them squeak together ): my current guinea pig is her usual...