
  1. PeanutandGus

    Fleece Bedding

    Hi everyone! I have two little boys who are 4 months old and I've recently just bought them a new indoor cage..I've noticed that everyone seems to use fleece bedding in their cages and I was just wondering what people put underneath, how often you wash them and how good they actually are? Also...
  2. Piggiemum7

    Best Fleece To Use

    I currently use dust extracted wood shavings but I'm thinking of changing to fleece for the winter and see how it goes. I'm trying to reduce the waste as I clean the cages out every day and burn/compost the saw dust. I was wondering if there was a certain type of fleece I should be using, can...
  3. Piggiekisses

    Help A Newbie?

    Hello all, I did some research on bedding but there seems to be a lot of mixed information that's making me confused. Firstly, is newspaper safe to use as bedding? If not, what safe options are there to use as bedding besides fleece? (Safe woods, paper, etc.)I am not allowed to use...
  4. R

    New To Guinea Pigs

    Hi i am new to all this i got my piggie yesturday and was just wondering what was best to use for there bedding. He lives indoors.
  5. kitkat1

    Any Tips For Using Paper And Aspen Bedding?

    Hi all- So I am currently using paper and aspen bedding for my piggies' cage with absorbent dog pads underneath. The only problem is that they toilet EVERYWHERE, to the point where it leaks through the bedding! :yikes: The idea of using fleece just doesn't appeal to me, even though I heard...
  6. Jade_bear

    Wood Shavings Or Fleece?

    Hello, All my Guinea pigs life I've used wood shavings and I've seem to have gotten on absolutely fine. However a few weeks ago I had a spare few minutes and did some research on bedding etc and I found out that it's common to use fleece bedding. As the wood shavings is bad for the little...
  7. Guineapigfeet

    Easy Pack Miscanthus Bedding?

    Has anyone used this? It looks very similar to Aubiose and Easibed but, from my equestrian retailer, is over £2 per 20kg cheaper