
  1. J

    Introducing Baby Female To 2 Adult Females

    Hi there! We would like to expand our little cavy family by adopting a 6 week old female from the local shelter. We already have two 1 year old females at home. Before we adopt, does anyone have advice on (a) how successful baby to adult bonding can be, (b) any precautions we should take, and...
  2. TheLottiediarys

    Baby's Getting A Hair Cut And Cuddles! !

    Even though she's not really long haired I've just given baby a haircut! Baby seems to be struggling to groom herself lately She's not been looking her normal shiny, healthy self. She injured her foot a while ago so maybe that's why she's been grooming less, But she's had a hair cut, a brush...
  3. Mishatoe

    My Guinea Pig Keeps Biting Me

    I've had a baby guinea pig for about a month now and when I take her out to roam on my bed she bites me. I'm not even touching her and she comes over and licks me and then bitez VERY hard. She has done it to my face, but it's usually on my hands, fingertips, and arms. What should I do about...
  4. Kasey

    Help New Guinea Pig Won't Eat, Drink, Or Move

    hello, I just got a 6 month old guinea pig today. I can understand that he is nervous, as he is shaking at different times, not moving, eating, or drinking. However, this foes concern me as I am beginning to worry about his overall health. We have checked all of the areas needed to see if he is...
  5. ChloeCee98

    First Bath In The New House x

    MoMo had her first bath in the new house today :) went very well she even had a quick 2 seconds of a hair dryer and she did really well! But scared at first but loved it after wards. (Lowest heat and power). I'm going to cut her wispy bits of hair around her bum bum tomorrow before work (Sunday...
  6. Cherrychops100

    How Much Pellets?

    i have 3 sows 2 are 13 weeks, 1 is 8 weeks I currently feed them 1/8 cup per pig How much would you recommend to give them in grams or in cups? Am I feeding the right amount ? Thank you
  7. Cherrychops100

    Bonding A Sow With A Pair?

    Hi there, I have 2 bonded sows already who are about 10 weeks old (not exactly sure) they're still small 400g. And I've just rescued another baby sow who is about 8 weeks old (300 g) how do I go about bonding them? Any help would be appreciated so much Have a good weekend
  8. Natalia

    Ricky Died And I Got A New Guinea But Can't Get Over Ricky

    My Guinea pig died over the holidays, and few days ago I got a new, cute baby guinea pig, but when I can't sleep because I miss him so much and I can't enjoy the new piggy. I even told my partner that I don't want the new piggy, I want one looking exactly like Ricky. It breaks my heart...
  9. ginnyweasley

    Feeding Baby Guniea Pigs?

    I don't own guinea pigs yet but I plan on getting two young ones. I read that it's best to give young pigs alfalfa instead of the usual timothy hay, I plan on giving them alfalfa pellets should I still give them alfalfa hay as well or is that overkill? Also if I should give them alfalfa hay does...
  10. Alexandra West

    Putting Baby Pigs From Separate Litters Together?

    I just got a baby Abyssinian pig about 6-8 weeks old. He's been acting a bit strange, but that's on another one of my thread things. We only got one because he was the only one the store had left. we have two chinchillas but he's much too young to be introduced to them yet. Is it okay to put...
  11. Alexandra West

    Baby Piggy With Uri?

    I just got a baby guinea pig today (he's about 6-8 weeks I think?) and he makes a weird noise before making a noise that sound like he's coughing or choking? His nose isn't runny but he keeps nearly closing one of his eyes. I can't find any thing on this and I'm scared? Please help? He also is...
  12. violetgirl

    I Got A New Cage! Christmas Present

    My 3 month old girl Pepper is loving her new cage (the one above). However, since she's settling in she hides a little more which means less playtime. Hoping she'll get used to it soon so I can hold her more.
  13. A

    Update To: Is It Possible That My Piggie Is Still Sick?

    Here is the link to my original post: Is It Possible That My Piggy Is Still Sick? So, long story short my little Georgey was sick with a URI for two weeks at the least, and we had brought him into the vet a second time. The veterinary clinic I go to sees guinea pigs on the reg, so I have faith...
  14. meggles1410

    Introducing Bluebell And Maisie Being My Little Goof Again

    after my posts i finally got pictures of little Bluebell and some of Maisie finally back to her old self! Maisie is so happy and relaxed again, snuggling and pancaking :wub::wub: also starting a grooming routing with Bluebell after preaching about the importants of it all the time at work (I'm...
  15. meggles1410

    I'm So Scared And Sad... Mixed Emotions

    its been a very long time since ive posted about 4-3 years ago when i got my pig Maisie and adopted Teddy. well teddy passed over the rainbow bridge last month aged 6-7 we believe due to a massive tumor. this has left me heart broken and Maisie more so as she never left his side! her depression...
  16. Celine298

    New Pig Has Goo In Her Eye

    I got a new baby pig last week. I noticed when I got her home that her left eye was weeping some goo (not the normal kind they secreat for cleaning themselves) and I thought she may have gotten some sawdust in it in the pet shop. It's been a week and it's still seeping. I clean it with some...
  17. Celine298

    New Girl

    I'd like everyone to meet the new baby, Lola-Jean! She's an Abby, like my other piggy Sunny. they've had a quick introduction, and it was a massive success! Sunny did a bit of rumble-strutting, a lot of grooming of her little face and seems absolutely delighted to have a new sister...
  18. G

    Why Does My Piggy Dip His Paws In Water?

    my male Guinea pig he is still somewhat a baby. He recently just started dipping his front paws in his water dish but he'll stay there for a good few minutes and his hind legs will be down like he's resting lol it's so cute i thought maybe he's just hot?
  19. 2

    Keeping A Mom And Baby Together?

    I adopted a mom and a baby from the Animal Humane Society. The mum is 1 year old, and the baby is around 4 weeks. The mother has been rumble strutting, which is normal... but today, she has been seemingly ATTACKING her baby! The baby gives out these horrible shrills, so I usually take her out to...
  20. Ebaker6pigs

    Please Help! - Weak Baby

    On 5/7/16 one of my sows had 5 babies. One of them has always been smaller but Today I've found it very weak. It won't suckle from mum and won't eat solid food. Not sure if I should hand feed nor what to feed it?