
  1. J

    Bonded Boars Suddenly Fighting

    Hi :D I'm new to the forum but writing in desperation in the hope someone can help us out as our past herd was a group of females and have never experienced this before! Little back story, around one year ago we adopted a pair of bonded boars Dan and Darwin (brothers), who were at the time...
  2. M

    Aggressive Female + Shy Female

    I have had a female guinea pig named Macy for nearly two years, I got her by herself because my parents only let me get one at the time. Recently I got a baby guinea pig (female as well) and she is only two months. I was expecting it to be a bit difficult with Macy as she's been alone for so...
  3. HeatherW

    Teeth Chattering - Fast And Slow

    I've read that fast teeth chattering is meant aggressively, but is that always the case? Could it sometimes be meant defensively if a pig is feeling a little unsure or nervous? When I feed my piggies their fresh fruit and veg, Jasmine has occasionally approached the bars of the cage chattering...

    Bonding A Sow Trio With A Sow Pair

    Hello, I am still quite new to the world of guinea pigs - we got our pair of sows in November last year and we were given a sow trio just over 2 weeks ago. They have been living in separate hutches where they can see each other in our heated garage. I tried introducing them to each other today...

    Bonding A Sow Trio With A Sow Pair

    Hello, I am still quite new to the world of guinea pigs - we got our pair of sows in November last year and we were given a sow trio just over 2 weeks ago. They have been living in separate hutches where they can see each other in our heated garage. I tried introducing them to each other today...
  6. Beans&Toast

    Beans Has Became Very Aggressive

    So I'm having issues with Beans just now and I'm not sure what's causing it, there are maybe 2 things going on, which is why I wasn't sure where to put this thread. (Sorry if it's in the wrong one I thought maybe behaviour and bonding too?) Beans has became very aggressive with Maple since...
  7. S

    Two Females Fighting I’m Heartbroken!

    Ok so I have had one female for about 8 months and a month ago got another young female for her. Fina is about 9 months old and Phoebe is about 3 months. I introduced the correctly on neutral grounds a few times before housing they together. Fina immediately established herself as the dominant...
  8. Isabela

    Help Guinea Pigs Fighting!

    Hello, I need serious help. Lounge Small Pet Cage | Free P&P on orders £29+ at zooplus! This is my cage. It's big and has two floors. My pigs are 4 months old, bought together 3 weeks ago and are both females. At first they were afraid and were always together and hiding and in some time they...
  9. Sam81

    Very New Piggies Owner!

    Hi everyone... So I have lots of animals but am brand new to piggies.... I'm having a few problems and wondered if I can ask for help? I did lots of reading and research, got the hutch all ready and then bought two piggies (snowflake and gizmo - both girlies) from a local pet store because...
  10. Jesse's pigs

    Another Mo & Steve Query

    So by now I'm guessing Steve has gone through his teenage hormone stage. He's testicles have descended etc and he's definitely bigger then he was. Last night and now tonight (can't speak for the day as I wasn't here all day) They seem a bit uptight with each other. No full on biting or any real...
  11. L

    Bullying Guineapigs

    hi so i have 2 guinea pigs, one long hair and one short. I got them in August 2016 and they were born in May 2016. I bought them together so they knew each other but one of them developed an abces and we took her to the vet who drained it and then it re grew and popped on its own accord, she...