
  1. Beans&Toast

    Happy 2nd Adoption Anniversary Beans And Toasty

    It's been 2 years today since I adopted Beans and Toast. If only I'd known at the time the stress that comes with these 2 pigs... :)) They didn't have the best start to life, unwanted children's play thing and left neglected in a hutch - they now live a life of absolute luxury! Since getting...
  2. Kallasia

    Piggie Cravings!

    So I have two wonderful boys - they give me so much joy. But, I'd like to expand our little family! Thing is, my partner thinks we're fine as four. I kind of see where he's coming from but... How do you guys fight the urge to just adopt every piggie from your local rescue and have a tribe of...
  3. Sara’s Piggies

    Need Advice Quick

    I found a year old female guineapig on craiglist a woman is trying to get rid of. It's never been with other piggies other than when it was a baby. I currently have two 4 month old guineapigs. I would love to give this guineapig a good home with friends. It makes me sad it's been by itself. Do...
  4. Stewybus

    Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue - New Facebook Adoption Group

    I'm pleased to announce that Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue have a new Facebook Adoption page where our guinea pigs available can be easily found by type ie Male Pairs, Female Pairs, Wife & Husboar Pairs, Solo Females, Neutered Solo Males, Unneutered Solo Males. To find what you're looking for...
  5. S

    Adoption And Sex

    Hey guys! So I'm a new piggie owner and I wanted to get my boar, Ferdinand, a playmate. I know many people promote adoption over pet shops, which I totally love, but there are no adoption centers near me. So just stick with pet stores? Also, I'm not sure about what sex to get. Another boar...
  6. Beans&Toast

    Beans And Toast's Adoption Anniversary

    ***Warning: long, soppy post.*** It's the 1 year anniversary of when I got the beautiful Beans and Toasty. As soon as I seen them I had to get them, I just fell in love with them instantly. Both were very neglected/mistreated by previous owners, Toast was left in a hutch and Beans was an...
  7. Luna1

    I Have One Male And I Think He Is Lonely :(

    I adopted my male guinea pig from the adoption centre at pets at home and I want to find him a friend, but obviously being a male there is a large chance of fighting if I got another male, I've thought of neutering him and getting a female, but he is only around 1 year old so I don't think that...