Search results for query: Chooken leg

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  1. sport_billy

    Literally Floor Time.

    ha ha so true, With Pitch and putt I spent more time moving in their run than they did, in the end I would need to have my chooken leg out :))
  2. David Piggie Lover

    Countdown 3.2.1. Three Piggies

    You are right. I missed that. lol. She's a pro. xx
  3. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Anyone Order A Chooken?

    It's 2 for the price of 1 today! You were served by Andromeda :D
  4. Louise's Zoo

    Legs 'n' Feet

    Eva chooken leg!
  5. Tim

    Velvet Relaxing ....

    Awe, check out that chooken leg! :drool: x
  6. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Chooooooking Legs On My Daughter...

    Cuteness overload! :love::drool::love::drool: I love me a good chooken leg!:drool:
  7. Kylie80

    Hot Chooken Foot

    Awwwww adorable chooken leg. I think you have made @sport_billy 's day hehe.
  8. David Piggie Lover

    Any Else For The Stripey-nose Club?

    We might have a slight problem. This CHOOKEN belongs to. . . Your latest stripey member. . . . COCOA
  9. Julie M

    Maple & Maisie Say Hi!

    Aww there's even a chooken leg. :drool:
  10. VickiA

    Hiddy At Lap Time

    That looks like a chooken leg seal of approval. Beautiful photos.
  11. Banbh

    Radish Was Happy

    He does do a good chooken leg! Nope, he really doesn't like nail trims.
  12. sport_billy


    So pleased it has gone well :) Looked very smooth indeed. I enjoyed the chooken leg photos!
  13. Betsy

    Any Else For The Stripey-nose Club?

    Messy pig is now a full member of The Stripey-Nose Club. Squidge only just qualifies with that little white patch under her nose! Nearly had to go to arbitration there with Errol @Kallasia and Rosie @RosieMaia Dennis loves a Chooken (he is a leg man) and says that she is very welcome to join...
  14. Betsy

    Any Else For The Stripey-nose Club?

    Zazu with your added choooooken you are definitely a new member and Bean, Dennis just LOVES those eyebrows and your gorgeous little nose stripe so is pawing you your membership card
  15. Jesse's pigs

    Chooken Leg!!

    @sport_billy I thought you might like this... and I had to share the other photo cos it made me laugh so hard! I was trying to take a picture of him sleeping to show my auntie how much he was loving his new cage and he does that! Lol
  16. Louise's Zoo

    Why Does She Make This Noise? (video) and some grooming. Edna and Eva both started making this noise while I was stroking them and Edna actually laid flat on my lap, chooken leg out and carried on making the noise as I stroked her so I think it must be a good noise. They have never done that before so I don't know why...
  17. sport_billy

    Snowy (again)

    Awww Snowy :drool: Nice to see you are recovering from de-pluming well. Thank you so much for the chooken leg and front feetie :D in the photo!
  18. Danielle Smith

    Piggy Lap Behaviours :)

    I've never had a nap... a little chooken leg here or there and some grooming of themselves and my fingers is the best I can hope for :wub:
  19. GPTV

    What Is This "in" You Speak Of? We Like On! *plus Chook Alert*

    Aww how cute are they?! :luv: especially with the ol' chooken leg going on too :wub: xx
  20. Wigwig

    Ow Ow Ow

    archie is lurking under my long skirt asleep but my feet keep going dead as I am in a sort of squatting posture and each time I move to stop my feet going dead he bites my thigh painfully like a snapping turtle till I stop moving, and he was eating turds so it stinks under there too. He is so...