Zoomies And Popcorns


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
My two do both of these a lot...... but I notice that they only over do them in the cage after I put them in for the night. They crash around it and bash into the sides when they don't turn in time and I am worried they might hurt themselves. They spend several hours a day in a large indoor run, where they never seem to do this.

Is the extra space making them nervous do you think? The run is a 5.5ft octagon, with cardboard tubes, boxes, fleece, hay and a wooden bridge along with some straw toys for them to play with. They do explore in the run, but slowly and quietly and then spend a lot of time just hidden in the cardboard tubes (which I then move into their cage for the night).
It's just about feeling confident and not scared is it. It will take plenty of time for them to finally accept their larger run area, bribe them with food to make them explore further and further and without any noise to startle them or play a little music perhaps.
Sounds like typical run time behaviour. They should gradually gain confidence. Sounds like a great life for them!
PROGRESS... as I type this, Scruffy is doing little zoomies and mild popcorns in the run! Normally she stays inside the tube, but she was brave enough to venture out for some veggie scraps from dinner prep..... and has now been round the entire run. Scrappy is also being active in there. The run is in the same room as the computer, and they seem particularly active when i am typing. Peculiar pair.....