Zoom Meets & Time Zones


Forum Buddy
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
East Riding of Yorksire
I am hoping to arrange 2 Zoom meets in the New Year
One timed so that US & Canada members can join, the other so that our Australian & NZ. members can join.
It would be helpful if people could give me an idea of time zones and what time of day would suit you, and of course, if you would be interested.

Europe is easy as it’s only a 1 hour difference and the UK is all in the same time zone.
I have every Wednesday off, sometimes I have appointments. But I'm EST here in Michigan.
The plan.
Zoom Meet 1.
Saturday 1st February- 10:00am GMT which should be late evening for those of you in Australia and NZ

Zoom Meet 2.
Sunday 2nd February 7:30pm GMT which should be around early afternoon for those in USA & Canada.

Those in Europe and UK can pick the one that suits best.

@Ramia - I know you said Wednesday would suit you best so if you can’t do the proposed Sunday I will try to arrange something for a Wednesday but as I have a regular evening commitment it would have to be mid afternoon GMT so earlyish morning for you.
There may be others who would find that easy.

Please would people let me know if they wish to join one of the meets.
Can one join without piggies to show off?

If so, I can best do it Sat 1st Feb.
Or Wednesday would work for me too, so long as it's over by 5.30pm GMT
We would love you to join @Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Any Wednesday would have to be finished by 5:30 as we go out about 6:45 on a Wednesday evening
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