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New Born Pup
Jun 27, 2022
Reaction score
Good evening,

My old boy Pippin has been struggling to eat, the vet says he has a significant ulcer in his mouth, and he is concerned about his kidneys and possible enlarged gallbladder.

He wanted to keep him on his current course of antibiotic, co-trimoxazole, but he’s been on that for nearly a week with no improvement.

I’ve badgered him for Zithromax as I had incredible success with a recurring abscess in his brother Albert, it’s the only thing that cleared that up.

Have I done the right thing? I know Zithromax is a heavy duty drug but I feel that because pippin is not improving and is losing weight despite syringe feed I’m desperate to help him!

Any advice welcome.
I know my vet Simon Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic in Northampton certainly uses it for abscesses with great success, hope your piggies makes a full recovery
Good evening,

My old boy Pippin has been struggling to eat, the vet says he has a significant ulcer in his mouth, and he is concerned about his kidneys and possible enlarged gallbladder.

He wanted to keep him on his current course of antibiotic, co-trimoxazole, but he’s been on that for nearly a week with no improvement.

I’ve badgered him for Zithromax as I had incredible success with a recurring abscess in his brother Albert, it’s the only thing that cleared that up.

Have I done the right thing? I know Zithromax is a heavy duty drug but I feel that because pippin is not improving and is losing weight despite syringe feed I’m desperate to help him!

Any advice welcome.


I have also been lucky twice with zithromax even those a double course has totally wiped out the appetite; once in preventing a jaw abscess from coming up over the Christmas 2019, which actually resulted in the abscess disappearing altogether instead of just staying put for the rest of his life (which in view of it happening just before the pandemic took off I feel extremely blessed) and once with a major deep eye infection in an elderly piggy where eye removal was no longer an alternative.

Bactrim/septrin (co-trimoxazole is another brand name for it) is not strong enough for an abscess. Pleae be aware that zithromax doesn't always work but it has a much greater chance to do the trick.

@furryfriends (TEAS) is our Abscess Queen with the biggest experience.
Good evening,

My old boy Pippin has been struggling to eat, the vet says he has a significant ulcer in his mouth, and he is concerned about his kidneys and possible enlarged gallbladder.

He wanted to keep him on his current course of antibiotic, co-trimoxazole, but he’s been on that for nearly a week with no improvement.

I’ve badgered him for Zithromax as I had incredible success with a recurring abscess in his brother Albert, it’s the only thing that cleared that up.

Have I done the right thing? I know Zithromax is a heavy duty drug but I feel that because pippin is not improving and is losing weight despite syringe feed I’m desperate to help him!

Any advice welcome.
I deal with a lot of abscesses and mouth/dental issues. I’ve used Zithromax many times, over around 15 years, with excellent results. I know it can affect appetite in a few piggies, but I’ve only ever had one piggy reduce eating, whilst taking it. An amazing antibiotic that’s saved the lives of many guinea pigs here at TEAS xx
I had a piggy on Zithromax for 6 weeks and he ate nothing for himself while he was on it. Good luck. Keep up the syringe feeds. Some days we’d get 80ml I into him and he’d still lose weight.
Thank you for the replies. Roughly how long was it before you saw any improvement? Pip really struggles with syringe feeding, and he wants to eat independently but can’t due to the pain :(
0.6ml once a day, pip is currently 930g in weight
Okay so a bit of an update. Pip went back to the vets today, and his mouth is looking much better. He has something enlarged on his belly, vet suspects maybe gallbladder, possibly liver. So we have done some blood tests which hopefully I’ll get the results from tomorrow. Pips very quiet, but is eating a little independently, basically I’ve given him a smorgasbord of veggies and he’s eating bits out of it. Vet said to continue with Zithromax, syringe feed and painkiller. Has anyone got any experience with liver / gallbladder issues?