Your thoughts please - C&C build

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Aug 10, 2009
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I'm planning out our C&C cage build today and measuring up etc so I can get the correx ordered and work out how much wood I need etc.

I'm planning a 2 x 5 multistorey which will house 3 pigs on each floor (no ramps) and was thinking of having two trays on each floor - one bigger one to be used with inco pads and fleece and then a smaller one for a hay box which would also have their hay rack and food bowls in.

Initially I was thinking the trays would be 2 x 3.5 fleece and 2 x 1.5 hay box. But I'm wondering whether 2 x 1 for the hay box bit would be big enough? Just thinking ahead as to whether 3 adult pigs would fit comforably in there eating and burrowing.

Not sure what I will use in the hay box, whether it would just be hay or whether I'll put a little megazorb covered in hay or something. Hmmm decisions.

Your thoughts would be appreciated :)
I think that 2x1 is enough. I often have three piggies at once in that space.

I found that having something absorbent in hay box like megazorb does wonders!
I've just been looking at the site I plan to get the correx from, and they do pieces in a 5 pack which are 61 inches long, so I think what I will do is make the fleece tray as wide as I can using the 61 inch long pieces and then make the hay box whatever size it will need to be to fill the gap.

Thanks :)p
I think 2 x 1 is plenty big enough for 3 pigs as a hayloft. I would rather keep the extra space in the main running about area. You'll probably want to use either megazorb or newspaper to line the hayloft otherwise the pee runs straight through the hay and sits on the plastic- it gets smelly very quickly and is a pain to clear up. Happy planning. :)
I found that a small layer of newspaper followed by some absorbent material like medazorb, carefresh or wood chippings and then hay on top makes for the quickest cleanout while keeping the smell down. I use a layer of cheap hay before I add good quality hay in the corners to keep the piggies from peeing all over the good stuff.
hi have fun building just wanted to say have you checked out teacrate for the correx they also give a 10% discount if you looking in the housing section there is a sticky :)
Thanks LauraLucy! I did check them out and I emailed them as I want white correx but they replied saying they only have black at the moment :(

I'm going to be getting it from here. I'm going to get a pack each of 39x39 inch - 5 Pack and 61x41in White - 5 Pack so will have enough to make 2 trays for each of the 3 floors and then have 2 more pieces in each size to make replacement trays. So exciting!
Very exciting! I would probably go for a larger hay area though... Mine is about 65x55 cm and with four it's a bit of a squash sometimes. It may be because my piggies are individualistic brats who enjoy oodles of personal space...
Very exciting! I would probably go for a larger hay area though... Mine is about 65x55 cm and with four it's a bit of a squash sometimes. It may be because my piggies are individualistic brats who enjoy oodles of personal space...

Yeh mine jump all over each other when there's food present :(|) If I do the 2 x 1.5 hay box it will be 71 x 53 cm ish, but if I make use of the full length of correx for the fleece tray, then the hay box will be a bit smaller.

Correx has been ordered :)
I don't like ordering stuff for my piggy DIY projects as I can't bear the waiting for them to arrive. How do you manage the waiting?

I have no choice! Lol! I have to order it now, it's next day delivery so will be here Tues (or SHOULD be here Tues) cos they aren't open over the weekends and Tues is the only day my bf is off this week. Plus I don't have any of the other bits yet, only the grids, so it's not like the correx is holding me back :(|)

Just looking at the B&Q website trying to work out how much wood I need etc. It's hard :(
Very exciting stuff planning a new cage! I'm sure that the hayloft will be big enough for your 3.

Cant wait to see photos :)
Correx got lost by CityLink but turned up eventually!

I've made a tray for the fleece using the full length of the correx today, and it leaves a 1x2 space for a hay box rolleyes So I think perhaps that has made my mind up for me? Hmmm I'm not sure what to do, whether to make it a bit smaller so the box at the end is bigger. The fleece just fits nicely on the one I've made at the moment. Not made the hay box yet. But I'm thinking, the bigger the hay box, the more I'll need to fill it. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. @)

Btw the cage is almost finished. All the wooden frame bits and doors are made. Just need to paint them and make these correx trays, then it is a case of putting all the bits together which wont take long. Has been taking a while because we (and by that I mean my bf rolleyes) has been doing it a little each night. I've been told never to ask of such a thing again :x
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