your ideal job

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Jan 27, 2007
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what would your ideal job be apart from staying at home all day playing with your piggies?
Id love my own pet shop, with attached re-homing centre, and possible dog grooming facility..thats my dream i want to work for myself one day, prob never achieve it though i dont know where to start with a business plan :(

Probably best waiting a few years, or doing a night time business course along-side work
hmmm with horses and other animals! My dream is to work with animals...but not being a vet!
I coudlnt cope being a vet, and putting animals down, i was at the vets a few months back and someone had their pet put down me n my mum were nealry crying with her and we hadnt even seen the animal, or know what it was! id be more of a wreck that the person who's pet it was
An animal behaviourist is my dream job. There's no money in it though unless your very lucky. :(
Id love to be well off enough not to have to work. Then I would volunteer at a big wildlife sanctuary like the one on Wildlife SOS
yeh i would love to start up a rescue to help all animals in need, but i would need to be quite rich :)
I think at the moment I would like to own my own piggy rescue and be a youth worker in my spare time paid of course!
Rodentologist above anything :)

I wanted to go in the Navy untill that was a dream shattered :(

Counselling is my forteit at the moment, having been a mentor for kids. Finding out about volunteering for samaritans online :)
I really think I've found my ideal job, I work from home as a nail technician. I love the freedom and flexibility it gives as well as loving what I do. Most of my clients are absolutely lovely and a lot of them ask to see the piggies so we trot out to the garden before they go!
Gingerpig i wish I lived near you I would love my nails done and to meet your piggies! :) :) :)
kellyandpiggies♥ said:
Rodentologist above anything :)

I wanted to go in the Navy untill that was a dream shattered :(

Counselling is my forteit at the moment, having been a mentor for kids. Finding out about volunteering for samaritans online :)

Kelly you would excellent at that - I know for a fact you've been a complete saint with me! ;) xx

I always wanted a pet shop but I know that I would end up wanting to keep all the animals that were in there! hehe

Realistically I'd love to work with servers and mainframes at the moment, setting up new infrastructures for new clients etc etc - would also LOVE to have my own business with Steve, going to businesses offering them computer\network\server support... :)
Working with animals as I feel confident around them O0

But I could do with just an admin job at the moment.
SweetEdge said:
kellyandpiggies♥ said:
Rodentologist above anything :)

I wanted to go in the Navy untill that was a dream shattered :(

Counselling is my forteit at the moment, having been a mentor for kids. Finding out about volunteering for samaritans online :)

Kelly you would excellent at that - I know for a fact you've been a complete saint with me! ;) xx

DebbieR said:
You would be excellent at that Kelly. Go for it O0

aww thank you both - Have emailed them, so fingers crossed! :)
spice and honeys mummy said:
i'd like to work with animals.
A zoologist sounds a good job , or working in a wildlife park/ zoo. Anything to do with animals.

my friend wants to be a zoologist lol :P

I dunno what I wanna be..something with animals I guess.
gingerpig said:
I really think I've found my ideal job, I work from home as a nail technician. I love the freedom and flexibility it gives as well as loving what I do. Most of my clients are absolutely lovely and a lot of them ask to see the piggies so we trot out to the garden before they go!

did you see my question earlier about my nails? I had an appointment today to replace my acrylic nails as they had come off leaving me with very soft nails one of them some how split from tip to half way down right to the bed, I did cancel my app as the nail was still bleeding a little do you think she could have done anything about it or was it wiser to wait until it had healed, was worried about sealing an infection under the acrylic, and do acrylic nails soften up your natural nail as mine were commented on as perfect strong nails and i was lucky, sorry to be a pain but love having nice looking nails, at the moment they look disgusting as they have all broken off short, and my piggy charlie loved a good scratch with my long nails
I would love to be a wedding planner... My wedding is all planned (just need someone to pop the question!)

Failing that an events manager for something like the Oscars... schmoozing and what not!
Michellemuffin♥ said:
gingerpig said:
I really think I've found my ideal job, I work from home as a nail technician. I love the freedom and flexibility it gives as well as loving what I do. Most of my clients are absolutely lovely and a lot of them ask to see the piggies so we trot out to the garden before they go!

did you see my question earlier about my nails? I had an appointment today to replace my acrylic nails as they had come off leaving me with very soft nails one of them some how split from tip to half way down right to the bed, I did cancel my app as the nail was still bleeding a little do you think she could have done anything about it or was it wiser to wait until it had healed, was worried about sealing an infection under the acrylic, and do acrylic nails soften up your natural nail as mine were commented on as perfect strong nails and i was lucky, sorry to be a pain but love having nice looking nails, at the moment they look disgusting as they have all broken off short, and my piggy charlie loved a good scratch with my long nails

Hi Michelle, I've replied (at length I'm afraid ;D) in your Nail Tips thread, but I've PM'd you anyway :)
gingerpig said:
I really think I've found my ideal job, I work from home as a nail technician. I love the freedom and flexibility it gives as well as loving what I do. Most of my clients are absolutely lovely and a lot of them ask to see the piggies so we trot out to the garden before they go!

Sorry to be nosey, but do you make a decent living doing that ?
I reckon Id love doing that every day
My ideal job would to be a forensic scientist, which is what I am doing my degree at uni to become.

However I have always wanted to open an animal sanctuary :D but I would need a bit of money for that one.
I have two dream jobs - a lecturer in Forensic Archaeology, or running my own book shop. I'm doing my Masters this October onwards and I'm setting things into gear to start my business, so I might just do both ;D
okay i've had a think, i would love to be a.... well i dont know, so many career options and i cant find one to suit me... :(
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