Viennese Furbabies
Forum Buddy
Hi, this isn't an urgent question because at the moment it is a purely theoretical one, but what are your experiences with spaying females? How high is the success rate for the girl not only surving the operation itself, but the weeks following the operation?
I must confess that spaying is one operation I'm really reluctant about. Unfortunatly I've known quite a few girls who didn't start to eat by themselves after the operation. Or they started eating at first, but stopped after a few days ... and didn't start again.
A lady I know from the Cavy Club in Vienna had to pts a girl just today. The spaying was highly recommended by her vet due to medical reasons but she also told her that it wouldn't be such a big affair. Well it was and it was fatal in the end.
I once had a girl spayed and it was a big fight. After about 3 weeks Nui was back to normal but though she had physically survived, her behaviour had changed. Not at once but gradually. Before the operation she was a really friendly and happy little girl. Due to her sickness she became really hyperactive and was in season all of the time, started loosing weight rapidly ... so I made the decision in favour of the spaying. She was about 3.5 years at the time.
She turned into a pretty grumpy elderly lady, but her group tolerated her behaviour all right.
Is it just bad luck that I know so many girls who didn't survive the spaying in the longer run (days or a few weeks after the operation)?
Or are there differences in the sucess rate in different countries?
Thanks for sharing your experiences!
I must confess that spaying is one operation I'm really reluctant about. Unfortunatly I've known quite a few girls who didn't start to eat by themselves after the operation. Or they started eating at first, but stopped after a few days ... and didn't start again.
A lady I know from the Cavy Club in Vienna had to pts a girl just today. The spaying was highly recommended by her vet due to medical reasons but she also told her that it wouldn't be such a big affair. Well it was and it was fatal in the end.
I once had a girl spayed and it was a big fight. After about 3 weeks Nui was back to normal but though she had physically survived, her behaviour had changed. Not at once but gradually. Before the operation she was a really friendly and happy little girl. Due to her sickness she became really hyperactive and was in season all of the time, started loosing weight rapidly ... so I made the decision in favour of the spaying. She was about 3.5 years at the time.
She turned into a pretty grumpy elderly lady, but her group tolerated her behaviour all right.
Is it just bad luck that I know so many girls who didn't survive the spaying in the longer run (days or a few weeks after the operation)?
Or are there differences in the sucess rate in different countries?
Thanks for sharing your experiences!