Younger Guinea Pig

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
hi! So the first guinea pig I got (panda), is about a year old. I finally got her a friend (phoebe), who's about 3 months old. They seem to be getting along pretty well. phoebe seems to really enjoy panda's company, and it's almost as though she copies her, kind of like younger siblings. When panda eats, phoebe will follow.. If panda is cleaning herself, Phoebe will do it too.. If panda goes into her house and lays down, Phoebe will lay down right next to it, and so on. Is this something that normally happens, or am I just imagining things? Because it's pretty funny to watch haha. image.webp
What beauties! I'm pretty sure that it's normal for them to copy each other for a while. I look at it as the smaller paying homage to the older, letting it decide what happens when and how long it goes on for. A good sign, that means that Pheobe respects Panda! :yahoo:
So cute! I have noticed that younger pigs will imitate the older pigs on first introduction... I kind of think they are being 'shown the ropes' by the more experienced pigs. I really appreciate this 'teaching' because one of my original pair, Linney, potty trained herself (she would go back into the cage to poop and pee rather than doing it on the rug.) She was the boss, so Frenzy learned from watching her. Then when Frenzy passed and we introduced Sundae, Sundae also learned not to pee on the floor by doing what Linney did. Once Linney passed and we introduced Hadley, Hadley learned to go back in the cage to do her business from Sundae, so the legacy of potty-trained pigs lives on!
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